
am i the only one who wished for a little more closure with that?


Yea, I'm a little disgruntled with that. But I guess that
was just one last little clever bit to throw at us!


Was a very good ending, yes lacked closure but that was the point I'm sure. Perhaps some sort of spin off in the pipeline?

What's orange and sounds like a parrot?
A Carrot.


I hope so. I especially like Olivia Colman. She's been
great in everything I've seen her in, especially Rev.


Probably not judging by other responses. It always amuses me when people ask for all the Ts to be crossed and the Is to be dotted though. Isn't it more fun to 'write your own ending' sometimes based on your perception of the characters?

I think Ian is plainly very slow on the uptake (as most men can be when a woman express an interest) but in the final moments the penny did drop. He fumbles the invite but Sally spares his embarrassment as usual and manages to be there for him anyway without him having to fully declare his interest in her just yet. That would happen whilst they were away from the ODC and over a drink enjoyed by the light of the far away sunset.

But.. if they do ever make a spinoff to make the writer's ideas explicit for these two then I'd watch it.


The end left me wanting more, but that's a tribute to a great show.

What we have here is failure to communicate!


I thought the ending was perfect.

For once he told to her to stop. That he hadn't said what he wanted to say.

And then...

Up to us. It is obvious from the whole Ian/Sally arc where it was headed. We want them to be together. We know they want to be together. But it would take courage on their part to cross the business/personal divide.

My wish is that his next line would be "So long as we won't be needing Umbrellas in Umbria, I don't care where we go as long as you are with me."

p.s. And what the hell is up with the lack of appreciation of this brilliant series and its actors?
