MovieChat Forums > Deepwater Horizon (2016) Discussion > Hollywood political correctness rears it...

Hollywood political correctness rears its ugly head once again

In real-life, it was Andrea Fletas who chose not to sound the general alarm when all the magenta warnings because, in her words, it was "overwhelming", and "a lot to take in", and didn't do it until after the initial two explosions and people were already dead. The movie doesn't portray this however. What they do is create some white guy that tells her to not sound an alarm (which didn't happen in real life). Why? Because they didn't want to show a minority in a poor light, even if that's what happened in real life.


Plenty of other bits were unconvincing too - everyone (and I mean *everyone*) kneeling down to pray to the good Lawd for saving them, then the laughable "Let's jump right OVER the flames so we survive the burning sea", and of course the entire blame being put on BP when it was clear that if 'Mr Jimmy' was that bothered he could have personally ordered the rig shut down until the cement test was done. Then there was the ridiculous homecoming scene where someone else's father shoved poor injured Wahlberg up against a wall.

And why did the Wahlberg character (who was the electrical chief) have so much say in matters that clearly weren't anything to do with him?

The film was enjoyable - a story well told and well shot - but was there really a need to turn the Wahlberg character into a hero who ran around trying to save everyone ("we gotta run to the other side of the rig")?


I worked close to 20 years around working-class guys (Forestry and Wildland Firefighting) and I can't really say that I ever heard them use foul language on a regular basis. They simply had more class than that.

I have been around people who cursed mightily and none of them were religious, they wouldn't have the slightest inclination to bow down and pray and they sure as heck wouldn't even know the words to any prayer.


Well, there's a reason for 90% of accident at work kill men. Women are generally unfit four highly stressfull life and death sitation.

I've heard no feminist asking for oïl rings having 50% of women working. They want equal money, not equal risks.


Yeah, most nurses are women and we make life and death decisions in highly stressful situations every time we go to work, you raving douche canoe.


Is that right? Lol.
