MovieChat Forums > Turbo (2013) Discussion > ............really disney.......really?

............really disney.......really?

I really wonder what the disney mice where thinking when they brought this idea to the table. Just hearing that line in the previews "YOU CAN'T PUT A SNAIL IN A RACE FOR CARS!" I mean come on! What happened to the disney greats? Cinderella, little mermaid, home alone! You can't beat those classics. I mean, ever since Charlie and the chocolate factory, it's just been down hill. Also, thumbalina...that was a bit off, but nothing so far as bad as this, come on. Get with it, I think disney needs to bring in some exterminators in the offices and get some new blood going!



Because every animated movie is a Disney movie. Right.


I can see where the oopies was made....the movie style looks so much like Cars it's crazy.
I've seen the ad/trailer a few times here and there and didn't know until today it wasn't Disney.

But major props for the Cake song. I dug that cd out when I first saw the ad and have been happily rockin down the street in the minivan ever since!



Because the Dreamworks logo at the front the trailer wasn't an obvious sign that this wasn't a Disney movie........


Nice job paying attention! It's not Disney!


Seriously, how is everyone not mentioning the other mistakes/"jokes". Home alone, Charlie and the chocolate factory and thumbleina are also not Disney.


Honestly, I didn't bother to read the whole post. The subject line told me everything I needed to know.


well Disney owns dreamworks sooo get your facts straight people. But really, after the Chronicles of Narnia and leprechaun: back n' the hood, you think they would have learned better


Disney does not own Dreamworks. Disney and Dreamworks have a distribution deal where Disney distributes Dreamworks films. Dreamworks Animation is separate and has a distribution deal with 20th Century Fox. So this film was made by Dreamworks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox.


Disney owns fox as please, just stop. No matter how bad you guys argue this, it doesn't make the movie any better.


No, Disney does not own Fox. If they did, they'd be able to use X-Men in The Avengers and they can't.



Disney owns ABC, not Fox
You are so off, it's not even funny


You are so off, it's not even funny
Actually, she's so off that it's hysterical. Each post builds upon the gaffs of the previous one.


...are you an Internet Troll?




................. you make my head hurt..................

There are several different companies here... Disney... Pixar... and Dreamworks. DREAMWORKS made Turbo. DISNEY made Tangled. PIXAR made Brave.



Pretty funny post.



I hope this is a joke.....

Dude....This is NOT Disney. It's DREAMWORKS. And really, Home Alone, the Leprechaun hood thing , Charlie and Thumbelina are NOT Disney either. Pay attention to the studios logos, hun. -______-


I thought Disney only owns Touchstone.To me,Turbo doesn't seem like that awful of a movie.
