MovieChat Forums > Dirty Grandpa (2016) Discussion > Duh old man said dirty stuff! Har durrrr...

Duh old man said dirty stuff! Har durrrrr!

That must be what was going through the film makers mind when they made this garbage. The entire run time is built upon the fact that usually older people don't speak like that. Once the novelty wear off (about 10mins) the other 90 or so minutes are just a waste of time.

Seriously every joke was just DeNiro saying something offensive, but it's all so expected that it has no effect. It's like when a kid learns a new dirty word and runs around yelling it. You're not offended, it just becomes tiresome after a while...


So, when he uses the same language in a mob movie, it's art? His character can beat a woman in Raging Bull or stalk a underage girl in Taxi Driver and it oscar worthy?


Hey Wonder,

I agree completely. This is infantile barnyard humor written by infantile folks for an audience with infantile minds. It is not humorous; it is humorless. De Niro is a talented actor, but most of his work has been the result of making bad choices in films. To me, his best film was 1973's "Bang the Drum Slowly" with Michael Moriarty.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile
