I laughed when...

They showed the 'alien in the room' video (near the end of the doco) slowed down several times and you can see the hand of the video-er holding the little plastic toy out in front of the camera!

Seriously, these docos do more damage to the 'search for truth' than any government conspiracy. Including famous (or infamous) faked CGI UFO videos and photoshopped UFO pics also nearly made me give up early (but I'm glad I made it to plastic toy alien!). Interviewing the usual bunch of 'experts' (like Nick Pope) for every doco is getting real old. There are earlier and much better docos out there (or at least ones not full of fake crap to fool the incredulous).

And they really should separate UFO sightings (military, civil aviation, police) from abductee stories (they happen while they sleep, for Christsake, which is called Sleep Paralysis). Mixing the former with the latter just discredits the whole subject.


They showed the 'alien in the room' video (near the end of the doco...

I didn't see anything like this...I just re-watched the end to catch something fake looking and it's not there. Maybe you can be more specific as to what exact time this is supposedly showing up. Where's the plastic toy alien at in this movie precisely?

And they really should separate UFO sightings (military, civil aviation, police) from abductee stories (they happen while they sleep, for Christsake, which is called Sleep Paralysis). Mixing the former with the latter just discredits the whole subject.

I don't think so. Without abductee's stories, we're left with an endless parade of UFO sightings with no motive.

You're not helping with your scorn of trivialities in the movie. The biggest facts were the Canadian Defense Minister and the other countries' releasing their classified documents with respect to alien visitation in an attempt to force the hand of the United States to do the same...and the mention that the U.S. is attempting to build an American Spaceship Force (or words to that effect).

The facts are that aliens exist. They've been coming here since before humans were here. They have some sort of purpose we don't know. Some governments have cut deals with them for military technology. The computer you're on and the laser technology we have might have been given to previous world leaders. Any significant advancement we claim as ours then, might be gifts from advanced beings and that might go beyond our technological expertise into the arts. For all we know, our best songs and books and anything genius we claim to have invented may come from an advanced civilization.

It's possible we're not capable of much as a race. Pyramids, any other type of architecture, sculpture, great classical music--we may not have done any of it.

There's a few interesting things in this movie if you cherry-pick through it for the good bits. The guy who touched the saucer and got a binary message years before computers were invented here.

A dialogue is what we need now. Not some bozo screaming 'fake' as usual. There's always one. It's not enough anymore. An opinion that news footage of alien ships is fake won't cut it anymore.

I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.


The facts are that aliens exist


"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon


Oh that's cute...too bad you aren't prepared to debate beyond that. Anyone denying the existence of Extra-terrestrial sentient visitors has alot of hurdles to overcome first:

1. The obvious and overwhelming video and photographic evidence going back decades. You would have to take the stance that every single video and photo is an attempt to deliberately deceive for absolute no discernible gain whatsoever. It's not enough to just cry 'fake' anymore. There's mountains of evidence given by law enforcement officers, military men, public officials, declassified documents, pilots, and ordinary citizens. It's not good enough anymore to cry 'fake' and leave it at that. Where's your proof it's fake? Common sense ought to factor into the debate at least.

2. Aside from ignoring the overwhelming evidence out there, you would also have to ignore the laws of probability as well. In the whole of the Universe and the gazillion planets out there, there are statistics that are likely quite accurate for the case that there has to be intelligent life out there somewhere and in some cases it's possible it's billions of years ahead of us technologically.

We need to move forward and open up discussions about this issue. And issue is putting it mildly. It's time to acknowledge that Americans aren't Masters of the Universe decreed by God. Is a small segment of planet earth--block headed devoutly religious people--going to vainly deny that there's quite alot of evidence to suggest that alot of things are possible.

Apparently, Sumerian stone texts claim we were genetically engineered to mine gold for the Anunaki. So. Why isn't anyone talking about that and why have we forgotten it?

It seems we forgot a crapton of stuff. They talk about Gobekli Tepe being the oldest known structures made by man. A very sophisticated stone structure that they are just barely uncovering that's 12,000 years old. Back when we were supposed to be using rock hammers and driving in log cars with foot power (hehehe). In other words, there's no frickin way primitive man with primitive tools carved intricate stoneworks in monolithic amounts. You dig? I've seen the arguments, the same tired old attempt at explanations.

We need to discuss possibilities for why these visitors are here and what they want. Let's just say these abductees are telling the truth and some sort of genetic testing is going on. Why would that be? Are they creating a new race of hybrid humans? What for? Can't be for earth--it'd take quite awhile to re-populate earth with hybrids.

I don't know if I believe all abductee stories, but I believe some of them. Maybe that's why the U.S. sticks to it's gun laws.

Well...too bad there's only 3 of us so far. But thanks for the O RLY dude...something like that sets it up for me quite nicely :D

I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.


Hey Joolz just want to say I agree with everything you said and there is way too much evidence that has come out to not believe in extra terrestrial life throughout history. So many people are ignorant in disbelief it's amazing. Anyways I have been on a bender watching everything I can that has to do with alien life, new technologies and so forth for the past few years... Are there any other worthwhile documentaries or shows containing interviews that you could recommend me?
Thanks in advance :)

Let's not turn this rape into a murder


I guess you've seen all the Ancient Aliens shows from the History Channel...they are an eye opener for sure.

There's a documentary narrated by Stacy Keach called Alien Technology and it just happens to be on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxegAPrphBY

It revolves around the idea that our advancements in technology like the computer and laser were reverse engineered by top companies. In this documentary, it sort of leaves how this technology was acquired as a blank. It merely claims that top companies were given contracts to reverse engineer certain types of components and it almost makes it look like or alludes that these technologies were recovered after the government harvested alien technology from crashed alien ships.

Or, there's a more controversial theory that claims that the government cut a deal with aliens for this technology directly. I've seen something somewhere about the Nazis in WWII and Hitler's reverse engineering of an alien spaceship. The Bell Project and all that...


I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.


The obvious and overwhelming video and photographic evidence going back decades

-Fake and or seeing what they wanna see. You think aliens are advanced enough to travel from galaxy to galaxy but can't evade a camera? The footage in this movie was a joke too, you could tell the real object every time in their grainy/dark videos (one was obviously a hot air balloon for example)

It's not enough to just cry 'fake' anymore. Where's your proof it's fake?

-Proof is on the person proposing the idea, always has been always will be. To think it works any other way is just silly and shows how hard you've altered your thinking method in order to convince yourself of their existence.

Aside from ignoring the overwhelming evidence out there, you would also have to ignore the laws of probability as well. In the whole of the Universe and the gazillion planets out there, there are statistics that are likely quite accurate for the case that there has to be intelligent life out there somewhere and in some cases it's possible it's billions of years ahead of us technologically.

-I love the irony. Anyone who knows the infinitely crazy amount of things that had to go JUST right for humans to evolve the physical and technological peaks we have now, will tell you just how UNLIKELY it is statistically that the same thing happened somewhere else. Take some astronomy classes that talk about the PERFECT conditions that had to come about for us to be where we are, and you'll realize the probability idea actually goes AGAINST there being other intelligent life evolving.

Also you're talking to vaguely about what kind of organism that it's pretty useless to try and disect. Are you speaking of ANY kind of living one celled organism in general, or are we talking technologically advanced higher thinking beings that could build something to travel across the universe? You've mentioned them both so I can't tell.

It's time to acknowledge that Americans aren't Masters of the Universe decreed by God.

-This is true, however it by no means PROVES there's aliens out there.

Do you also believe in ghosts? I can only assume yes since the same logic you use (so much evidence going back a long time, you have to prove they DON'T exist, etc) can be applied to them as well. Also the easter bunny, santa claus, etc. Nobody wants to have a frank discussion about it because it's a waste of time. Might as well sit around talking about whether the loch ness monster is real.

You must believe that too right? You can't prove he DOESN'T exist! Keep it coming though man, we're enjoying laughing at your 'logic'! 'A lot of people said it, so it must be real! We were put here to mine gold for the aliens, but for some reason even though we don't do it, the aliens haven't come back and made us do it! This STONE structure proves they had advanced technology!'

Cracking us up...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon


You haven't said much here: You think it's fake. You're laughing. Something something something stone tech. Aliens if they did exist ought to be attempting to evade detection. Earth is the only planet capable of harbouring intellignt life in the whole of the universe. Kay.

I was sort of hoping for that Nick Cage "You don't say" thingy done like the O RLY guy--would have amounted to the same thing but been more relevant and interesting.

I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.


Actually I said a lot, you just didn't like it. I talked about the 'photographic evidence', and the stones structure you mentioned. Also the probability idea, as well as the burden of proof being on the one making the claim. I also brought up the lapse in logic and why it's not also applied to other fictional entities. So, no, I didn't 'say nothing.' As I said, you just didn't like what I wrote.

However I can say the same thing about YOUR response just now. You didn't refute any of my points, just mocked them. Why not apply the same logic to ghosts or santa? You haven't said why you don't do that. Or how a STONE monument proves future technology somehow. Or why the 'well a lot of people said it' line of thinking should be valid, when clearly anyone with a brain would laugh at that. A lot of people said the earth was flat, I guess that makes it true!

I mean if you wanted a serious discussion, maybe don't start with something as 'ambiguous' as 'the fact is aliens exist.' You haven't proven anything yet to back up such a dubious claim btw, just asked the non believer for proof it's NOT real. Then when they point out the error in logic with that, you mock it rather than back it up.

Typical believer behavior. All adamant about how right you are until someone pokes one hole in your logic, then it's backtracking and not really saying anything. Weak...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon


Keep it coming though man, we're enjoying laughing at your 'logic'!

Who's "We" exactly? Are you expecting me to believe you and your chi chi friends are gathered around your computer sipping champagne and eating truffles with the occasional hearty guffaw? hehehehe....or is it like the 'royal we'--you know video game royalty doesn't count in the real world right? Or, maybe you are one of those 'dis-information agents' working the Black Ops Omniscient Bureau (hereinafter referred to as BOOB)

I found this link in one Google search about governments' respective declassified documents on UFO sightings (and possibly contact):


I'll follow it up--see what it says.

You haven't proven anything yet to back up such a dubious claim btw, just asked the non believer for proof it's NOT real.
I don't have to prove anything to you. The evidence exists already and you choose not to believe it with no supporting argument other than to say it's fake, there's not much to say.

Your other tack is to say that if I believe in aliens, then I must believe in all other types of phenomenon including the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and ghosts.

I do believe in ghosts by the way although I have one question about them...if you die at sea then do you like haunt the ocean or something? :D

Typical believer behavior.
Yeppers. Believers believe. Guess you didn't see that coming.

I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.


All I wants to knows is where can I get the gel that had woman crackpot number 2 aroused.

Say one thing for Turbo Tenfingers, say he never listens.
