Monks = Evil

^^..... test


Actually came to post that Jet Li's character was a total jerk in this film, although for some reason they try to make him seem reasonable. Not being from China, I was unfamiliar with this story, but really found the love story to be quite touching. I've read Journey to the West and understand demons and humans don't mix, but really couldn't see why Xu Xian and Su Su wouldn't be allowed together after Xu Xian found out she was a snake demon, but still continued to love her.

Even though I liked it, I realize the story was a tad weak, the cgi was excessive, and the fighting really wasn't interesting. I think this falls under the sad ending really affecting the overall feel for the film and improving it. If they had ended up together I probably wouldn't have thought twice about this, but because they seemed truly in love, and not allowed to be with one another, then it really nags on me. Conclusion: Abbot Fahai, total jerk face.


Thank you, that was a good summation :)


yeah great summation, I was confused as to whether we were suppose to like of dislike Li's character.


Yes, great summation. This is a Chinese folklore, story that are recited by story tellers, not written in books. Before the 20th century, most Chinese got their entertainment from visiting temples. It is the Chinese way of life for thousands of years. The temples are like community centers. There are many small eats and story tellers set up in front of the temple on Sunday and holidays (not really Sunday, in old days, Chinese works 9 days then take the tenth day off. A month has three periods. Each period has ten days.) Like you, most Chinese are sick of the ending. However, this story is extremely popular so it gets its own life. Some story tellers changed the original story to give it a happy ending to please the public because their incomes solely came from the tips. Actually there are many different versions of the endings, most are happy ones. This one just got a sad ending but very close to the original one.


Jet Li was not a total jerk in this film. Did you notice Jet Li's realization at the closure of the film? He realizes he was wrong and allows the serpert, Su Su, to talk with Xu Xian. He passes an apple to his demonly-transformed disciple, symbolizing his acceptance of demons. The film suggests we should be accepting of others, regardless of appearance, for appearance does not dictate one's actions or ideas.


The real message- everyone must know there place! China is completely reactionary now, and reverting to a dynasty (communist party) where the elites are again born into privilege. So, if you are not born into the right caste, just keep working at the factory like an ant, after all, that's what you are, an ant (demon/animal spirit).


You are describing the world. I don't believe there is a caste system in China, though. I know that there is one in India, where "The Untouchables" are stuck.



WTF are you talking about? He was doing what he's suppose to be doing, going after demons and locking them up. Of course he's he overtly powerful, you don't become the grand master monk who catches demons for a living by being weak. In the context of the story, it is thought that all demons were considered evil due to their nature. Hence why that one disciple couldn't answer when he was questioned about meeting a "nice" demon since it never occurred to him. It wasn't until the end of the film was when Jet Li's character finally understands and realizes that there are "good" demons that can have compassion for humans. But as the film ends, the ultimate law ordained from heaven still tragically stands : humans and demons must not mix.


Plot summary, cleric breaks up loving relationship between consenting adults through blind adherence to fundamentalist dogma, and he's meant to be the good guy! Was this produced by the Westboro Baptist Church?


Was the human consenting? Didn't Li's character tell her it was because she had put a spell on him?


Isn't that what love is?


Did he have a change of heart? He still locked up a woman whos only crime was defending her family.
I was disappointed at how passive Xu Xian was at the end. Where I come from its a man right and duty to protect their wife. I dont care how powerful that monk was I would be trying to insert pointy objects into his face.


for anyone who cares, in the forklore tale, the monk was a lot more cynical and unforgiving, and the white snake and xu xian had a kid who eventually grew up and freed his mother from the tower so their family can reunite, and things didn't end so well for the old monk




Yup, if the wikipedia article on 'Legend of the White Snake' is the correct version of the tale, then this story is pretty messed up. Also,the portrayal of Jet Li's character is totally not a part of Buddhist philosophy AFAIK. It is annoying to see that they even got the philosophy and the moral of the story wrong as well.


That is the story I would have liked to have seen.
