Slow film with gore

The director could have almost filmed this on stage with its setting.

Not much action, but does have gore. The movie is a bit flat in the middle but picks up in the end, but by that time it's too late.

Still I give it 6/10. But really it's about a 5.7/10.


Sure it's a tad slow...but the story was interesting...teetering on a mystery with lots of gore. I felt a big twist coming in, and I called it. I felt someone in the room was not quite who they said they were. But there was more than 1 twist in fact...very easy to get thru once heads started to roll, lol.

Great performances by the lead chick and Redd.


Yea I agree mostly, had a laugh at the ending. Lots a gore, it's about a 5.5/10, the twists were of little surprise but there are many worse ways to kill 90 minutes.

645 Good Horror Films From 2000-2013
