War comes home with you:

When you leave home at 18 & come back 3 yrs later, you expected time to stop while you were in another world. Once your back into the world you grew up in, a quiet shock sets in & things are not the same. People get married, go away to college or your friends just disappeared. You try to play catch up by finding out where or what's happening. Readjustment from war is different for each returning vet. You are way more quiet then you once were before you went to war. You are so much more aware of whats around you at home. I didn't know how to act with others that I knew or just met. They have no idea what's in your head, except they notice you ain't the same even though they may treat you the old buddy or guy you once were. In 1969 they don't tell you this in the military. READJUSTMENT.

Imre Demech
