Watching Again.

I didn't like this film the first time and it still has a lot of flaws.

How can he pass the emotion test if he's in love this his AI projection girlfriend? She also seems to emotions too, but that doesn't matter. How can K have love feelings and pass the test repeatedly?

It doesn't fit the story.

He wouldn't need to have a pretend relationship, pretend to eat a home cooked meal, etc unless he felt badly. Real humans can sit home alone after work, eat a microwaved meal, and have no girlfriend. Why would this replicant need more?


All fair points. I watched this again some time ago and just couldn't like it at all.

Audio and visuals are stunning but OMG clean up the script and ideas : (


When I saw this in the movies, I thought him being in love with the projection was very sad, and realistic science fiction. The movie Her, about a phone, was very sad, and possible if that tech existed.

Anyway, I watched it last night because it was free and I love Blade Runner, but the story really makes no sense. It is largely filler. The romance between K and his projection made no sense for the reasons I gave. If they showed K had a way to hide his emotions, that would have been fine. But, the writer and director NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT and like how?!

How do these movies get made for huge money and no one picks up on what we do very quickly? It's so weird.

The only parts that made sense were the replicants wanting to keep the baby a secret. Of course back when Deckard and Rachel were having the baby, replicants were short lived and emotionally lacking, so why would they all join up to help?


ALSO, I'm pretty sure Replicants were illegal on Earth in the first one!! So, why would there be groups of them on Earth, why would they have the emotional involvement most of their kind don't have, and how would they live long enough to help form a group to save this baby?!

It makes less sense as I think about it.

I do like the idea of them and K wanting to help save people, the baby, etc because that is like the ending of Blade Runner. But, the rest of it is like someone didn't watch the first film, heard about it, then wrote a story.




I looks great.

Ryan Gosling is good in it. It has intense moments, but it's a really screwed up story because of what I've said. The first one was a great story due to the concepts behind it and the sad existence of these simulated humans that humans made without thinking much.

Great stuff.

This films doesn't know what to do with all of that.


I rewatched it too. Couldn’t help but give it another chance while it’s free on imdb. I enjoyed the performances even more this time around, but not from Ford or Gosling, but more from Leto. I think his subtle performance gave so much menace and evil to that Wallace character. Maybe he was one demential I don’t know, but I never seen Leto acting like that before and I’ve seen many of his movies. I just didn’t understand why he murdered that newly born Replicant girl. Was it because she was imperfect or something or he was just trying to show off his dictatorial power?


She couldn't have babies and that was frustrating him.

He basically cut her across the uterus.

His goals was to spread the human race across the galaxy and he was frustrated because he has to grow people. For whatever reason, he couldn't crack making replicants that can mate and have babies. He was like, she's perfect but useless!

He was okay in it.

He's getting screwed with roles. The Joker was terrible writing and he didn't get to do anything as that character at all. This was a simple "evil" character who at least got to talk.

I didn't like him being blind since the company basically creates artificial body parts. That was another "dumb thing" in this film, but overall he was memorable.


Oh, I see. Makes perfect sense now, thanks.


The emotion test is to show whether he's showing aggression or he's still a good puppy for the organization.


Also in K's mind his love for JOI was ultimately impossible to carry out due to her being (yup) a hologram. Therefore this allowed him to past the tests.

There is no flaw at all.
