MovieChat Forums > House of Cards (2013) Discussion > Claire's Hair is Distracting

Claire's Hair is Distracting

I may be the only one who thinks this, but Claire's hair is a serious distraction. It looks like a bad comb over. It's is flat, limp and totally devoid of any body. Oh, how I wish she'd get a new style!!




:-) Thank you


I like it. I like that it's so short and so simple and that she has none of that princessy "magic" going on. This is a grown-arse woman with a hectic schedule - short hair is realistic.


I agree that short hair is realistic. I don't dislike short hair. I HAVE short hair. I just can't stand the way it just lays across her forehead defying gravity. And when I wrote the first post, I was watching season 2. I'm in season 4 now and it looks much better. IMHO


I like her hair, she carries it off well. Claire's clothes and style are really cool, classy and expensive. I'd love to be able to dress like that in everyday life

So roll me further, bitch


LOL lauranplano, you're hilarious, and that's not a passive aggressive statement. You say that in season 4 Claire's hair looks much better, i just watched some episodes and it still does lay flat across her forehead, so....


It is distracting

It looks like Wright is trying to grow it out.
I prefer the shorter version


Agreed, it was in a weird phase all of season 4. I didn't care for it.


As a hetero/metro man, who thinks Clair/Robin is ugh-may-zeng, I too thought this same thing this season. Like dang girl, last season your hair was gorgeous, and now it totally takes away from her pretty face. Needless to say, I still think she's breathe-taking and a woman in power always does it for me.



Apparently, everyone else understood what I meant, but I'll spell it out for you. Distracting from everything else going on in whatever scene she was in. It distracted me because all I could focus on what her bad hair style in the first couple of seasons. By season 4, it had grown into a prettier look, IMHO. If it wasn't distracting to you, then so be it. To me it was. Hence this thread.



A characters hairstyle distracted you from the plot? The dialogue? the acting? What?

Maybe this show isnt for you? Or maybe you are being really clever and making a post in the style of the braindead masses who the politicians rely on for votes and so have to have hairstyles that people will vote for?

"dont you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."



in the show they have a bit where she changes her hair, then changes it back as the old hair 'played' better with the voters...its a section that i think is meant to show the voting public don't always listen to the words, just look at the hair, teeth and suits. Obviously what a politician looks like should not even register if you like what they say and stand for.

Its funny that this OP is showing the same exact moronic care about superficiality that the show highlights as something that the politicians have to pander to. Its a nice insight into politics that the public manipulation is always on their minds.

That said...Donald Trumps hair is a joke! Wouldn't stop me voting for him, its his words and stupidity that would stop me voting for him.

"dont you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


OMG am I really hearing this. Her hair is to flat, so distracting. Let me give you a dose of reality. Clair is flat out CLASS, and her hair is perfect. She has to keep simple style as her hair has to looks good straight out of bed with the writer and to scurry down to eat PP & J with the President. She can't look like she has been rolling in the sheets. Her personnel of perfection would be spoiled


You are not alone. It is like a helmet and very irritating.
