MovieChat Forums > Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (2012) Discussion > How low do you predict the Tomato-Meter ...

How low do you predict the Tomato-Meter will be?

most critics, and most people for that matter, cannot appreciate the humor of Tim and Eric. I'm guessing about 10% on Rotten Tomatoes, but I'm guessing at least a 7.5 on IMDB.


I'd imagine this movie to tank horribly on release only to develop a cult following years later. That seems to be how it works with these guys.

I'd say probably 5-15% rotten.


I'll say in the 20s.


I'm going to call right now that this will have a 6.8 on IMDB and a 47% on RT.



Critics generally understand that if something does what it accomplishes and does it well, it means it's quality to a degree. Aqua Teen has 48% on RT, I'd expect this will have about the same. Or better, because it's gonna rock.



What's wrong with superbad? I actually agree with it being rated higher than all of those.



I hate Seth Rogan honestly, but I will give him credit for Superbad. I think it gets a bad rap becuase it's "commercially" successful. But I'm not hating on Monty Python, or Rob Altman I just think they have a much more cult following and completely different kind of success than superbad.


superbad was funny once. pretty much every movie is better than it


I can guarantee that the reviews will be higher than a Combination of "Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star" and "Jack and Jill"'s Tomatometer combined. Jack and Jill has a 3% and Bucky Larson has 0%.

I would have also said "Higher than Human Centipede Part II", and here I'm hoping it has a higher score than that garbage, because if it's lower than H.C. II's 31%, I'll understand why the Mayan's think 2012 is the end of the world.

Please Turn Me Over ~ Mr. Blue Sky

