MovieChat Forums > Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (2012) Discussion > Were any other Awesome Show fans a bit d...

Were any other Awesome Show fans a bit dissapointed by this?

As a humongous fan of Tim and Eric Awesome Show it saddens me to say this... but the Billion Dollar Movie was a little too much. It had its moments but I just dont think these guys can operate as well in a 90 minute movie, and this is coming from somebody who loves Freddy Got Fingered. Sigh.... who knows. Maybe it will be better on a rewatch.



I loved it too! But I was a bit disappointed. The humor just seemed kind of different from what Tim and Eric normally do. I think I might have enjoyed the film better if it took place in the same universe as Awesome Show with Cinco and Channel 5.

"I showed it to my dad, he thought it was a very funny goof and a spoof."



I wasn't so much disappointed, but I thought the movie could have been more "out there". Tim and Eric's Awesome Show works because even when the scenes seem to be playing normally, awkward moments and elements break that wall so to speak. Tim and Eric seem pretty normal in this movie, despite all the crazy goings-on. I was hoping for a movie that only real fans of the TV show would "get", since I'm such a huge fan of the show and their style of humor. The movie was really well done, don't get me wrong, but there was at least one scene where I remember it did seem to be dragging itself out. The fake commercials and ads throughout the movie is where Tim and Eric truly shine. I applaud them for attempting their first movie, and to try to not only appeal to their fan base but also people that aren't aware of them but can appreciate crude comedies. As a fan that would love to see Tim and Eric do more stuff in the future, I give this film a B+.


I think it's kinda subtle up until the SHRIM reveal.... that's when it goes *beep*


Seriously? A movie with THAT many blatant Awesome Show references, and an Awesome Show fan didn't like it?

I mean, that goes way beyond James Quall and DLH's cameos - some of the dialogue is straight out of classic Awesome Show sketches.


ya but i can see where the OP and some other posters might be coming from. I noticed that for some opportunities they went for a more streamlined approach, for example they used Schlaaang instead of Cinco as the uber evil corporation. Me personally, I didn't mind the new stuff as it sets the movie slightly apart from the show yet still holds most of the same core concepts. I like to picture Tim and Eric's show, and i suppose now the new movie, are things people would watch in games like Grand Theft Auto or The Saints Row series.


I thought a lot of it was disappointing. Too much scatological humor, but not in a "so stupid its smart!" way, it was just straight frat comedy.


Ummm.... these were the same guys who brought us the following:

* The Poop Tube, as promoted by B.M. Fahrtz
* The Diarrheaphragm
* Diarrheabedes
* A song called "Doo Dah Doo Doo", with the line 'make a doo doo!'
* The Napple, which causes diarrhea
* D-Pants, for catching watery diarrhea
* The T'ird, the B'owl, and the B'ougar

Seriously. It's Tim and f'n Eric for God's sake.


Tim and Eric are definitely way better at short-form stuff. The humor here felt too spread out and that resulted in parts of the movie feeling kind of boring. Still a good film overall, but it could have been much more.

The question is, who wouldn't?



Agreed. For starters, every scene with Robert Loggia was awful. Much like the TV show though there were moments that made me laugh harder than anything I've seen in a while. The sex scene is one of those moments. The whole dynamic of sustaining interest for 90 minutes is obviously different. There has to be that connect throughout most of the movie or people lose interest whereas 15 minutes can be completely scattered with little tying it all together. I think they did a good job but for some reason I thought it would be less low-budget looking. Did anyone else feel that way?


"For starters, every scene with Robert Loggia was awful."

Much agreed, not funny at all.


what does Freddy Got Fingered, and tom green for that matter, have to do with this movie? are you saying tom green and tim and eric are are doing the same style of comedy? cause i would beg to differ. i can see maybe a couple of similar bits they have done, but that can be said about anything. i haven't seen Freddy Got Fingered, maybe i should. but haven't, cause tom green has never been that comedic to me.

"We’re changing from a code 3, direct pursuit, to a code 347…completely lost due to incompetence"



I wasn't disappointed that the humor was different from the show, I was disappointed that there wasn't really much new in the way of humor. They did the usual long-drawn out things, repeating things, kissing things before saying goodbye, the overblown emotional moments, etc... but we've seen them so many times on the TV show it seems a little tired. Basically I laughed at them watching Top Gun and Tim stealing the boy from his father, then using him in the final battle but those are about the only things that stand out.


I don't know about you guys, but I loved this movie. I thought it was a very surreal satire making fun of everything wrong in Hollywood - and so expertly done Tim and Eric style, with over-the-top toilet humor, off-putting sequences, and its "massive" length. It's one of their funniest efforts - much funnier than the Chrimbus special (there, I said it).

Also, I adore Awesome Show and Freddy Got Fingered. Tim and Eric and Tom Green are simply comedians of a higher power.
