David Liebe Hart?

Is he in this? It won't be Tim and Eric without him.


His profile says he is

"And I'll leave you in this room to ROT!"


Yeah, it says he's gonna be in it, as well as Ron Austar, but I don't know, I hear him and Tim and Eric get on too well anymore.

"I showed it to my dad, he thought it was a very funny goof and a spoof."



He's in it. Just saw it.


Ron Austar, on the other hand, is not in the movie. As far as I could tell.

There are plenty of familiar faces - David Liebe Hart, James Quall, the old woman from 'Greene Machine', Grill Vogel, Dun Dorr, Tairy Greene (acting very Tairy Greene-ish), Palmer Scott, Sunshine, Armando... but alas, Ron Austar doesn't show up!


David shows up at the wrap party, and briefly mentions that T & E cut his part out of the movie. hahahha


I saw it Amazon, they have a rental stream of the movie. He shows up at the end of the movie and it's awesome.


he was in it briefly at the end complaining about how tim and eric took his part away from him. It's one of the best moments in the movie ahaha


I was so happy when he showed up at the end!

