Destined to be a classic

I have never really gotten into Tim & Eric apart from watching a few episodes of "Tom Goes to the Mayor," and "Tim & Eric's Awesome Show: Great Job!" I knew what to expect going in and my expectations for the film weren't very high which might be why I was ultimately so pleased with it.

I don't know. Movies take themselves too seriously and this one was just ridiculous fun. The final joke at the end of the film (you know the one that I am talking about) made me laugh as hard as I have ever laughed at a movie. The gross-out scenes were funny, not because they were gross but because they were so gross and ridiculous that they became a parody of other gross out scenes.

I also liked the arbitrary and unpredictable way that they would deliver their jokes. I have gotten pretty used to what Hollywood considers funny so it is kind of refreshing to see two grown men just up and run around smiling with their arms at their sides. Didn't John Cleese teach us that a silly walk is funny in and of itself?

Finally, it was pretty cool to see normal looking people being funny. This is probably more "message," than the movie deserves but I think somewhere Tim & Eric are trying to show us that most people, if they try, can tickle your funny bone.

I totally see this movie becoming a cult classic with it's own devoted following.

For $9.99 it's a steal. Especially since you can watch it at home where it is "easily enhanced," ;)
