oh god oh god

Im sorry maybe I dont get it. This show is bad enough like terrible and they are making a movie? I used to be a stoner and this show is stupid even for me.


ya blew it


You're a pig hon, nobody wants to read your post. Capiche?

"How many breakfasts did you have this morning? Looks like you had four, maybe five."


No poke. Ya blew it. I loved her and ya blew it. Capiche?

"I showed it to my dad, he thought it was a very funny goof and a spoof."


Roger Ebert has a great review of the film that nails everyone I know that like Tim and Eric -- there is a certain pride of exclusivity in claiming to "get" something that other people don't. This show and film are perhaps the best examples of that. No one can explain how they are even supposed to be funny, but instead fall back on vague descriptions like "absurdist" to try to justify the painfully unfunny sketches. Intentionally bad is still bad. One man making offensive remarks to another man dressed in women's clothing is not inherently funny.

Of course I am not sure why I even bother; comments like this just solidify that feeling of superiority for the few that really pretend they get something and make themselves laugh at it.


There is something to get. There's a layer that goes deeper, and I will explain it to you right now. The absurdism is one thing, but it's also pretty much satire. Awesome Show itself is a spoof off public access television. So every sketch is a show or commercial of some kind. And that's it. As for the parts where people like you go "IT'S NOT FUNNY, BLEHBLEHBLEHBLEH"? Well, we just happen to find those funny. That's our sense of humor. I suppose that makes us idiots, hm?

"I showed it to my dad, he thought it was a very funny goof and a spoof."


Random guy2? I bet you think silly kitty cat pictures are funny. No, I can't explain why it's funny. Comedy isn't supposed to be like that. It's not like Dane Cook where you can say "It's funny because he's talking about vagina!"



u know u loled at da bathtub sht scene

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content
