premise seem familiar?

here's why:

"Ugh! I don't like this." --Ambrose Bierce


I'm not seeing any similarities other then they both take place in a mall. Dawn of the Dead is similar too, I guess. One is a mockumentary, one is a standard narrative with a few sketches thrown in.

Maybe I need to watch the other film...


i saw them both, and although one is longer (requiring more narrative and character development), they have the same essential premise, that of taking over a dying mall, dealing with the shops that are just barely clinging to life (with a similar satirical approach to the specialties and names of the shops themselves), and dealing with mall management as a power struggle between two principles.... so yeah, same premise.

i has been a while, but DotD didn't have as much to do with upper management as i recall... :P

"Ugh! I don't like this." --Ambrose Bierce
