MovieChat Forums > Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (2012) Discussion > If you don't like comedy, watch Jack and...

If you don't like comedy, watch Jack and Jill.

This is real comedy. Comedy is not comfortable to watch. This is true artistic genius at it's best. If you don't agree with me than just sit on it. These guys are true artists, hilarious and my personal heroes.

To all the *beep*

Suck a big fat dick it will taste a lot better than writing nasty comments on the internet



Ohhh god, I hate this. I hate it when people like you try to explain that there is "History" and "Rules" to comedy. Like most art forms, THERE ARE NO RULES OF COMEDY, AND IF THERE WAS HISTORY, WHO THE *beep* HAS TO FOLLOW ITS GUIDELINES? There isn't even a real definition of what "comedy" is. Different things make different people laugh. What is funny and what is not funny is entirely opinionated.

"I showed it to my dad, he thought it was a very funny goof and a spoof."


As a huge T&E fan there's a pretty large middle ground between Tim & Eric and Jack and Jill.


nope! I'm right you're wrong, your opinion is wrong and your face is stupid.

-Im clearly the adult.

There are rules to comedy, its an art form but there are 'rules' in any art form. Go ask any stand up comic if it's just do whatever you want to be funny. There's a scale of boldness and creativity and tim and eric are winners in that category. I'm not saying Jack and Jill is the worst movie you'll ever see but it's pretty stupid and easily accessible while B$M is tough to watch and painfully hilarious. different kinds of comedy but if you're a comedy buff like myself you can appreciate the finer comics over the lame commercial ones.

sandlers funny but he's made some pretty lame movies in the past 10-15 years or so, not to say he hasn't cranked out some gems.


I like Tim and Eric....but.....this movie was probably the worst I've ever seen, to be fair I usually do a bit of research before watching something, but damn 5.5 is WAY too high for this horrible movie, it's really not worth it. OP just want's to be one of the cool kids by liking something that is widely agreed as being terrible.

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man." The Dude.


It's not "widely agreed as being terrible." That's why it has a 5.5 rating, as you pointed out. It also has a 40% on Rotten Tomatoes. I, too, liked the movie.


lol. kids these days.
