Great to watch with an audience

Please don't respond to this if you hated the movie and if all you wanna do is yell at me for liking it, because I'm not in the mood.

Anyway, I went to see this movie with my pep pep today. I've already seen it On Demand but I wanted to see it in a theater. Anyway, when we got there, there were only two people in the audience, but when the trailers started, more people started coming in. So, like half an audience some Tim and Eric fans, others who were new. What I found throughout the course of this film is that during the most disturbing part, the audience would all share a moment to scream/laugh/both, like a horror movie. The audience felt well acquainted, like we all knew to do this during the scenes, like audience participation. I think it would be great to turn this into a midnight movie with other audience participation cues, the screaming included. So great in a theater because of this. And everyone walked out of the theater with a big smile on their face (Minus the two who walked out early during the Shrim bath scene).



secondanotherdave needs to wear a giant "I KNOW NOTHING OF TIM AND ERIC" sign.




My pep pep. My dad. There were people in the theater. I can't assume all of them liked the film, but there were people. And I thought I said to not respond if all you were gonna do was bitch and tease me for liking the movie and Tim and Eric.

"I showed it to my dad, he thought it was a very funny goof and a spoof."



Wow, Moo-Town really told ya didn't he? The ol' schoolyard classic imaginary friend zinger. Bet his pep-pep could beat up your pep-pep, too.


LOL, I've heard about this guy wreaking havoc around film boards making fun of people simply because they liked the damn movie. To be perfectly honest, I'm not intimidated because I know that someone's opinion has nothing to do with who they actually are as people.

"I showed it to my dad, he thought it was a very funny goof and a spoof."


Haha, dude, you're not pissing me off, I hope you know. I was there and I saw that there were people in the theater, as well as my dad. I think I would know, loser. Nice try though.

"I showed it to my dad, he thought it was a very funny goof and a spoof."


I also saw this in a theater with a surprisingly full audience (alas, not with my pep pep). I didn't see it beforehand since I wanted to wait for the "big screen" experience and I'm so glad I did. I rented it a while later and I felt that the opening sequence was much more effective in the theater. Everyone was laughing audibly within the first 5 minutes and there were no walkouts that I noticed. I think a midnight movie is a great idea! I'd go every week. I have loved T&E for a long time and was not disappointed at all with this movie. Guess I'm just a freak.


I saw it with a dozen people. Obviously all T&E fans. Laughter was peppered throughout, primarily at the beginning, but that's it. The "climactic" scenes at the end that were designed for laughs didn't really get a lot of laughs. I remember someone laughing when Eric held up his sword and said "hells yeah!" but that's about it.

Overall, my crowd didn't hate it, but you can tell they expected more. I'm sure they're all still big T&E fans. There were no walk-outs, but a young couple DID head for the door the second the credits began to roll. They weren't the least bit interested in the montage at the end. My friend and I bought tickets with them, too. They were visibly looking forward to it. My friend didn't like it much either, unfortunately.
