Is it in limited release only?

It isn't playing in any theaters in my area. I know it's in limited release right now, but is it ever going to open in more theaters, or should I just watch it On Demand?


What are you talking about?! I just saw it in the theater last night! You're just not trying hard enough.

"How many breakfasts did you have this morning? Looks like you had four, maybe five."


What he's saying is that it's not playing near him. It may be playing near you, but it's not near him. To be honest, I don't know. I had to go to DC to see it. I think it will expand if the box office numbers are good.

"I showed it to my dad, he thought it was a very funny goof and a spoof."


I live in Las Vegas and not ONE theater is showing it. I saw it on Amazon's VOD service the day they started doing VOD for the movie but it's a big letdown that I'll never get to see it with an audience.


dvd is out in MAy

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I'm in Canada and it isn't playing anywhere.


How can you say "it isn't playing anywhere?"???! I just saw it in the movie theater dude!!!!

"How many breakfasts did you have this morning? Looks like you had four, maybe five."


Yeah, but we need the name of the theatre ya saw it in for proof.

Otherwise, canucks can catch it on Super Channel occasionally. Me, I went for online viewing. My theatre rarely gets indie/semi-mainstream films anyway.

"Scraaaaping at the doooooor!" (Ghost Rider 2)
