The movie was just Meh

Not horrible, but not as funny as the show. Parts of the movie were funny, but as it went on it got less and less interesting.

-Needed more of the other characters from the show
-Needed a lot more Jim Joe
-More Will Ferrell


I agree. I'm a big fan but this movie kinda bored me.


i agree. i thought it wasn't tim and eric-ish enough. huge portions of it were just too normal. the opening was very funny and that was about it for me.


I wish they would've just mind-effed the world with this movie instead. Their mission statement (so to speak) was to appeal to their fans and to the general public who have never heard of them. In the end, it was just a watered down version of themselves, done in kind of a conventional comedy way.

What they should've done was just made something that would make everyone go "WHAT THE FFFFFF..."

Oh, I wish they would've done that.

I don't know how many people are really aware of it, but I have it from a good source (a regular of the show), that they weren't allowed to make any direct Awesome Show references in the movie, because Cartoon Network owns all the characters from the show.

Still, I think it would've been fun for them to make some sort of indirect references that the fans could smile at. For example, maybe the Schlaaang people were funding their movie as a thank you for allowing all their advertising on "their TV show." They would't have had to say what the show was. We'd know...
