MovieChat Forums > Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (2012) Discussion > Are there any scenes where you felt a bi...

Are there any scenes where you felt a bit embarrassed for them?

For me it was two:

The little chase scene in their underwear after Eric catches Tim with Katie. It just went on and on, and nobody was laughing.... and I think they maybe had the idea that they thought the crowd was supposed to really be laughing there.
(Although Eric's cute in his underwear. And Tim looks like a giant baby, as usual... i.e. hilarious.)

And the Taquito scene where he straps pizza to himself and the whole wolf thing. It just didn't really go anywhere. I almost expected a hilarious showdown with the wolf. It just didn't really happen. Instead, Will Ferrell shows up and again, it climaxed to nothing funny. When it was over, and Will says, "That's it." Again, no laughter. During the whole long ordeal.
I cringed a little inside again.

It's sad they removed Will Forte's EZ Swords commercial from the movie. I think that's one definite part that would've gotten big laughs.

Eric recently posted something online that sort of hit me as a big insight into their work. Someone posted him a link to season 4 outtakes not long ago. And he wrote back, "That's funnier than the show." That simple comment sort of hit me like a bit of a revelation.

I think sometimes they have so much fun on set, and it doesn't always translate to the finished, edited product. Eric himself has said more than once, he doesn't watch comedy and it gets to the point during his work where he doesn't know what's funny anymore because he's been sitting there watching the scenes for so long all day.

I think maybe the movie fell victim to the grind of editing. That may be a partial explanation, anyway. It WAS their first time doing something that long. 90 minutes vs. their usual 11 minutes or so. And their humor is unusual. It was a good first effort and it'll be a cult classic for sure. I LIKE the movie. And I'm proud of them for doing it. But I just don't love it. I look forward to their next movie though, because I feel like maybe they'll have worked a few things out & gone through a bit of trial and error.


"Eric himself has said more than once, he doesn't watch comedy"

he doesn't watch any comedy at all? you mean recently or just in general? where'd you see that?


he doesn't watch any comedy at all? you mean recently or just in general? where'd you see that?

Well maybe "no" comedy is a bit of an exaggeration, but it's pretty self-explanatory. What he's basically saying is that he doesn't rely heavily on comedy to unwind, since he works in that world all day.
At about 1:20 is where he says it.

I've also seen him elude to it in various print interviews. In one interview in particular, the interviewer brought up the subject specifically by asking (and I'm paraphrasing), "Do you have a hard time deciphering what's funny after sitting in the editing room all day?" Eric said "yes."

I'm not going to hunt down any URLs for those print interviews though. I'd have to look for them. But I've read it more than once. You could find them.


"And the Taquito scene where he straps pizza to himself and the whole wolf thing. It just didn't really go anywhere. I almost expected a hilarious showdown with the wolf. It just didn't really happen. Instead, Will Ferrell shows up and again, it climaxed to nothing funny. When it was over, and Will says, "That's it." Again, no laughter. During the whole long ordeal.
I cringed a little inside again."

i loved that scene

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When I said no one was laughing, I was referring to two different theater audiences, in two different cities, on two different nights.


Next time bring more pot.
