I Figured Out The Problem

After having watched the DVD, I know what the deal is. EDITING.

I laughed harder at the deleted and extended scenes than most of the freakin' movie.

1) One of the best Jim Joe scenes was in the outtakes.

2) An alternate deleted scenario of Eric meeting Katie backstage before the Dobis presentation was far funnier. The close-ups were hilarious.

3) "Understanding Your Movie: Sex As A Weapon" was axed in favor of the stuff we saw in the final cut? Really??

At a loss for words. This IS an awesome movie... if you care to piece together your own version from the thrown away hilarity.

Seriously, if they'd used even half of what they had deleted, this movie would've been epic and just plain WRONG.... and plain legendary.

They obviously didn't use everything though, because Eric described a scene during press interviews where they arrived at a gas station. I remember him saying that he really pushed for that scene, but it's nowhere on the DVD.

So yeah, there must be a ton of great stuff. It's a shame, really. They clearly went ALL out. Sadly though, once they got in the editing room, it's like they decided to try and take a watered-down, last-minute shot at a commercial box office success... or they just got a little scared to be THAT over-the-top. Only logical explanations as far as I can see.

I feel good that I can at least say that I think they WROTE a pretty awesome movie. (Although what they actually put out is another thing entirely.) For any fan who hated the movie, or like me, liked it, but definitely felt something was missing... get the DVD and watch all the deleted stuff. It'll click.


The editing was atrocious, one scene in particular when Mr. Weebs is shooting at Taquito the left side of his moustache clearly separates from his face.



It's not the editing. The movie sucked. Let it go and stop trying to defend it.

Have you been reading my posts at all? When have I not spoken my truth about this movie? I sure as heck haven't sugar-coated anything nor have I been blindly "defending" the movie.

But I happened to really think many of the outtakes were very funny, and had they used more of them, it would've been a much better movie.

I'm pleased now that I've watched the DVD. It's just sad that moviegoers didn't get something better.

And I'm going to correct myself. The editing didn't suck, but the editing decisions did.


Zach G. is untalented? have you seen the man's stand up? guy's hilarious.

although I agree. they recycled a lot of ideas from their other work. the fight scenes were a lot like the ones in "Choices" & "Embarrassment" from Awesome Show, & Taquito is basically a Casey Tatum reprise.



Yeah, overall, this is definitely a DVD movie.

If the theatrical version was literally all that existed - or worse, the BEST existing footage - that would be sad.







Access - he was talking to me. I deleted my whole end of the exchange because he's one of those idiots who argues opinions. He's one of those people who can't articulate a real viewpoint. Every post is basically "if you don't agree with me, then you're every name in the book, "not a true fan" etc. (He was pushing buttons with that topic, I should've noticed.)

If not being a true fan means I have a mind of my own and treat Tim and Eric like human beings who sometimes fall short, then I'm happy to be a "phony fan." (Yeah, a phony fan who've dropped a lot of cash over the past few years and drove a lot of miles TWICE for a movie I knew wasn't that awesome, simply because I wanted to support them as artists.)

What the hell, I'll happily wear that shoe. Fake fans unite.
At least we're not boring.
