MovieChat Forums > Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (2012) Discussion > This movie should have received an X rat...

This movie should have received an X rating from The MPAA.

I really enjoyed watching the Tim and Eric television shows with my children, it is good old-fashioned humor with a strong family values undertone. This so called “movie” was an abomination rife with vulgar language and pornographic and homosexual content. My family walked out of the theater after watching the first ten minutes of this filth and demanded a full refund of our ticket prices. Very disappointed with the lack of decorum that was put forth by the filmmakers.


Don't bring your kids stupid.


There is no such thing as an X rating in the MPAA

I once found a robin's nest in Tim Burton's hair


good old-fashioned humor with a strong family values undertone

What freaking show are you watching?

I once found a robin's nest in Tim Burton's hair


Well as another person pointed out, there hasn't been an X-rating since 1990. It has since been replaced by the NC-17. I don't recall the homosexual activity. Hopfully they didn't give you a refund...cuase i hate to tell you, you're a *beep* dumbass for taking your kids to an R-Rated film without doing research beforehand.

This Show Was A Lot Funnier Before Kirstie Alley Ate Shelly Long


The MPAA is paid to do that research and it’s a matter of convenience for the movie audience. An NC17 rating would have been much too kind as this movie has abundant occurrences of homosexual content not activity; maybe you should watch the movie a second time.


Wow, reading the replies to the original post, I'm stunned that fans of Tim and Eric aren't able to recognize the sarcasm in the post! At least... I hope it's sarcasm! Anyway, I read it as such, and I thought it was pretty funny.


Wow, reading the replies to the original post, I'm stunned that fans of Tim and Eric aren't able to recognize the sarcasm in the post!
Exactly!! I mean, the OP says "good old fashioned" and "watching it with children" and "family values", come on...

'And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high saying, O Lord bless this thy hand grenade'



ive never seen anything of tim and eric before, and i never will again

I strongly recommend you re-think that decision. You won't regret it.

It's as simple as going to right now and typing "Tim and Eric Awesome Show" or "Tom Goes To The Mayor" in search. It'll bring up a ton of clips from both of their TV shows that they did for Adult Swim.

Your local video store may have one or both shows too. I can't really recommend to you which one to watch first, because both are very different. "Mayor" is animated and the humor is drier, unlike "Awesome Show," which is live action. There are many people who love one show, but don't like the other at all.

This is why I don't get why their 17-year-old fans (either literal or in spirit) get so dang miffed when people don't like certain things they do, or flat out hate certain things they do. No intelligent artists like Tim and Eric get into the game to play it safe and be liked by everyone. I think it's only a compliment to their artistry and versatility that even their devoted fanbase differ drastically on some things. And it's a shame that most of these fans don't have the maturity to talk about it.

The whole diversity thing. Oh, well. "Some people just don't get it."

Case in point, "AccessTheMainGrid," who deleted this thread topic "Best Tim and Eric Moments" simply because people expressed opinions he didn't like. A little ironic, considering he has no problem spouting off about who/what he doesn't like, and in a very candid fashion. I thought his opinions about a couple actors - particularly Zach G. - were a little harsh, and honestly, kind of out of line.... but I still didn't begrudge him the right to say it. (Yet we do the same thing in his thread and he metaphorically takes his toys and goes home. Hmm. Because, in his opinion, it got "negative." lol It didn't get negative. We just mentioned a couple things he disagreed with.)


I'm so tired of parents like you blaming everyone else for the ills of society…

The movie is rated R. That should have been an indication that there would be some vulgar language, nudity and even simulated sex.

You get the same thing watching South Park.
