MovieChat Forums > Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (2012) Discussion > As a fan of T+E and as a fan of all come...

As a fan of T+E and as a fan of all comedy

The movie just didn't cut it in any way. I love a lot of Tim and Erics humor from their show to stuff they did on Funny or Die and things just floating misc on the internet. Unfortunately the film seemed to be nothing but put a large emphasis on potty humor and lacked or didn't properly use a lot of T+E trademarks.

I see a lot of arguments on this board namely one that is saying if you did not get it then you are not smart enough or you lack the proper taste and to go back to accepted humor like Dane Cook or SNL. I have to sit on the side of the people saying "what the *beep*" all though I have a bit more extensive background on T+E then some of them. I got that with a movie they were looking to avoid things like "poor editing" and "bizarre cuts" which are popular in a lot of their skits, but I still hoped it would bring to the table what "Morning Prayer" or "A Vodka Movie" did, which it did not.

Lastly, with an all star cast including Will Ferrell and Jeff Goldblum I was hoping to see a little greater use (especially Jeff Goldblum). Will Fortes character had me produce a small chuckle a few times, but that is about it unfortunately.

One can gather from an interview with Bob Odenkirk that it is possible their creative liberties were greatly sheathed during the making of this film. Sadly what came out was a watered down unstable version of a T+E experience with an extensive amount of childish humor.


Unfortunately the film seemed to be nothing but put a large emphasis on potty humor and lacked or didn't properly use a lot of T+E trademarks.

I agree. The scene in the yogurt shop where they're flashing yellow words at bottom of the screen (i.e. "water fountain") was a bit lame. I felt they were just doing it to throw the fans a bone because it's a signature T&E thing they felt obligated to throw in there at some poitn, and not because it was genuinally funny at that point in the movie to do so. I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't even scripted and was just done during post editing.
"Oh yeah... we forgot to do the yellow words thing."

I see a lot of arguments on this board namely one that is saying if you did not get it then you are not smart enough or you lack the proper taste and to go back to accepted humor like Dane Cook or SNL.

Not exactly. They're confusing not liking with not getting. They speak as if they're one in the same when they're not, because they just have the hardest darn time wrapping their minds around the concept that not everyone has to like the same thing. I've literally been called a troll at times over the past couple years if I dared say I didn't like something Tim and Eric did. A troll? Really? Because I simply don't like something and say so?

They're basically saying that you're not as smart or as loyal as them, and YET they can't articulate their OWN view whatsoever. Oh, the irony. There's nothing worse than inarticulate film elitists....
But I truly think those people are just here to push buttons, and are the true trolls. They're just figuratively stomping their feet and throwing a fit inside because we're crapping on their movie, and we're probably striking a nerve with them on some points that they know are true.

I have to sit on the side of the people saying "what the *beep*" all though I have a bit more extensive background on T+E then some of them. I got that with a movie they were looking to avoid things like "poor editing" and "bizarre cuts" which are popular in a lot of their skits, but I still hoped it would bring to the table what "Morning Prayer" or "A Vodka Movie" did, which it did not.

I respect that aspect about this movie. They did a great job editing it and creating the flow of real movie. I was impressed with that. I just don't know why it was so hard for them to write an entertaining movie. Yeah, that's right. I came to a movie to be entertained. I'm not an elitist who is going to pretend otherwise. David Lynch's Eraserhead is one of my favorite movies. That movie made no sense whatsoever, and I both love and hate that David Lynch will not tell us what the movie means in his view.
I don't buy the idea that an abstract film - or, in the case of B$M, a film whose humor rides a lot on subtleties - can't be entertaining.
Lynch proves otherwise. Richard O'Brien proved otherwise with Rocky Horror Picture Show. Now Rocky Horror is a very good example of something that followed the concept of a "good bad movie" like B$M did. Of course, it is a little different because it's a musical, but again... that movies also proves my point.

Lastly, with an all star cast including Will Ferrell and Jeff Goldblum I was hoping to see a little greater use (especially Jeff Goldblum). Will Fortes character had me produce a small chuckle a few times, but that is about it unfortunately.

I felt Will Forte almost carried the movie, actually. He's the main one that I really laughed outloud at. I love his character and the whole concept of the swords store. I have to say, T&E nailed it with that aspect of the movie. That was a very T&E thing. I don't know why they couldn't keep his commercial in the movie. There should've been an electronics store or something in the mall that played it on a loop, similar to the Shrim Healing Center thing that kept playing. So that way, it wouldn't take up a tremendous amount of screentime, but we could still see it. Or maybe they could've had that fat screaming guy who lived with Taquito view it on his TV or something...

One can gather from an interview with Bob Odenkirk that it is possible their creative liberties were greatly sheathed during the making of this film. Sadly what came out was a watered down unstable version of a T+E experience with an extensive amount of childish humor.

Really? Wow, that's interesting. Do you have a link to that interview?
That's interesting that it sounds as if Bob Odenkirk isn't a big fan of the finished product either...
"Unstable version of a T&E experience" - that's a good way to sum it up.
