I agree with ManbearpigImCereal

Their television shows always delivered a strong message about living a clean and virtuous life. Our pastor at church has said many times "It I can't find my bible, I will just catch an episode of Tim & Eric for the spiritual messages my soul so desperately needs."

I took my twins (whom I named after Tim and Eric mind you) and my husband to see this movie. My beautiful little boys began to cry within the first 20 minutes. My husband got sick, in the popcorn, and that really ruined the popcorn for me. I tried to eat around the vomit, but it was just impossible. I kept accidentally eating popcorn that was already in my husband's stomach.

Oh, and don't get me started on the people that surrounded us in the movie theater. Nothing but delinquents!!
The guy who was getting a tattoo was very inconsiderate. The loud buzzing from the tattoo gun made it impossible to hear the movie.

As soon as I finished eating all the popcorn, I took my children and husband and we marched right up to the ticket booth and demanded our money back.

My oldest twin Eric asked me with tears rolling down his good eye, "Momma, why did those men do all of those horrible things?"
I wiped his tears with my shirt sleeve, which ruined a brand new shirt. I have a stain that resembles pea soup on my arm. I tried to explain to him that sometimes even the best little sheep can stray from the flock. It is our job to pray for those sheep to make it back.

I know I lied to him, but how can you tell a child that their favorite entertainers are now doomed to an eternity in hell?
My youngest twin Tim just sat in the back seat of the car punching his leg over and over screaming "NOT NICE! NOT NICE."

After we put our kids in their little kennel, we drove over to our church.
It was up in flames. We saw the police arresting the preacher. He reeked of gasoline. I asked him "Why?"

As he was placed into the police car, he said:
"I spent so many Sundays preaching sermons that were based on the family values of Tim & Eric's television show. After seeing the movie, it just felt like I built this church on a foundation of lies and deceit. I had to burn those sins away, and start fresh."

The police man closed the door. And they drove into the night, with their red and blue light getting smaller and smaller, until they disappeared.


this is amazing
