worst movie ever made

absolute worst


AHAHAHAHA...I really cannot take you seriously when you don't capitalize things where they're supposed to be capitalized. Say that again and say it right. Then we can have this argument.

"I showed it to my dad, he thought it was a very funny goof and a spoof."


worst topic ever created
absolute worst


Is there any movie on IMBD that someone hasn't claimed is the "worst ever"?




No, that's probably not true. Unless it's some obscure short film no one's seen with nothing on the boards. There's doubtfully a film, besides one of those, that has never been called the worst movie ever.

"I showed it to my dad, he thought it was a very funny goof and a spoof."


Didn't think I'd ever say this:
This film is actually worse than 'Norbert'.


You're a pathetic little troll.


It seems EVERY movie released lately is the worst ..i'm so confused :)



You know, I used to think that all the worst movies ever made were made by Uwe Boll however, with this "movie" my perception has now changed.

"Despite all my rage I am STILL just a rat in a cage!"


This movie is actually good.


Nah...it's a piece of garbage!!!

Independent garbage that a few well known actors showed up in...and that will have snooty defenders who will insist that it's not "mainstream" and therefore must be brilliant...but in reality, still a piece of garbage!


Nah...it's a piece of garbage!!!

Independent garbage that a few well known actors showed up in...and that will have snooty defenders who will insist that it's not "mainstream" and therefore must be brilliant...but in reality, still a piece of garbage!

You INSIST that this movie is garbage..therefore aren't you like the "snooty defenders" INSISTING that it must be brilliant. Who's criticism should I take as superior over all others?

Whatever will I do with my time and life for that matter. Andell. May I call you Andy?
Thank you.
Really. Thank you, soo much.
I'm serious..thank you for the Gold Standard in criticism.
You are a treasure sir. A true treasure.
This world needs more like you. I'm *beep* myself at this very moment with anticipation of your next critique. Chocolate droplets of wonder.
Thank you so much.

"When Im Good, Im very Good. But When Im Bad Im better." -Mae West


"with this "movie" my perception has now changed."



I wouldn't say it's the worst movie ever, but it is pretty awful. I thought they were the best thing about Funny or Die, but then again, that show set the bar pretty low. I hoped for more.


It may be the worst movie I have ever seen.



Absolutely wrong.

This was one of the greatest movies I've seen in a long time. I love Tim and Eric's sense of humor.

If anyone likes Tim and Eric then check out The Comedy (if you haven't already). You won't be disappointed.
