MovieChat Forums > Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (2012) Discussion > Tired of fans acting like they're 'smart...

Tired of fans acting like they're 'smarter' than non-fans

I've been reading threads on the show and the movie to try and grasp why people like this and all that I keep hearing is that its "absurd humor" and that is in someway intelligent and you are intelligent if you like it. But from those arguments I've found nothing to support that. Its like people who love watching bad movies and and think that they are great. This is something that is so horrible that its somehow good. Unfortunately, I do not feel this way. There is no intelligent humor, ideas, plot or sense at all to this show. And fans will tell me "that's the point". Well you're not a genius because you enjoy chaotic idiocy, your brain dead. Maybe you like the chaos because your tired of the order of other shows or even the order of society. Well then please, remove yourself from society. Go live on the street or lock yourself in your mothers basement and stop taking the breath away from the relevant people in society like this show is taking away the breath of creative writing and intelligent humor. Whatever joke this show tried to play on is long since dead and it needs to go away.


He says without a hint of irony.


Sounds like you need a napple.


I was drawn in by the subject title because I agree with that much. Fans don't only act that way toward non-fans - they will even take that air of superiority toward other fans who don't happen to like everything they do. They believe we should just keep it to ourselves. Why? We're entitled to voice our opinion... good, bad, or indifferent. Nobody loves every song by their favorite bands, every song off every album they own, every joke their fave comedian has ever told. And if they say they do, they're full of crap.

Alas, though, you make no sense. You call us "brain dead." So it's okay to think you're smarter than US, but not vice versa. All righty.


I think however, it is true that the Tim and Eric fan base is probably more aggressively obsessed than the average fanboy/girl. I also find this to be true with TMBG. And I don't know what else has such insane fan bases. the people who really love TnE are completely rabid. You're expected to either be one of those people or not like the stuff at all. Just a little bit is not enough. This might be a generalization but it seems pretty true in my opinion.

P.S. I do like Tim and Eric, and I think this movie is actually pretty damn funny, I found it funnier than Awesome Show, and I actually don't get the negative reviews. Of course it's silly TnE stuff, but maybe people saying its not funny so often, due to "not getting the humor" is why the fans act so weird?


simpsons9588, you're not trying hard enough to understand the show. Calling it dumb is such a shallow and easy reading of the show. The show is so easy to dismiss, it practically invites you to hate it. So it's easy to see why a lot of people don't like Tim and Eric - but they really don't get it. To say the show has no "intelligent humor or ideas" is ridiculous.

Give me an example of some "intelligent humor"?


simpsons9588, you're not trying hard enough to understand the show. Calling it dumb is such a shallow and easy reading of the show. The show is so easy to dismiss, it practically invites you to hate it. So it's easy to see why a lot of people don't like Tim and Eric - but they really don't get it. To say the show has no "intelligent humor or ideas" is ridiculous.

I thought this movie was enjoyable enough.

But what you are saying is nothing more than pretentious BS. Stop thinking this movie is more than what it really is. Its sad.


But what you are saying is nothing more than pretentious BS. Stop thinking this movie is more than what it really is. Its sad.


I love it when dumb people try to convince other people that the thing they like is smart. And anyone that doesn't like it "doesn't get it". There's nothing to get about this movie. There's several humorous parts, but overall it is nothing special. It's 4 years later and most people have probably forgotten about this film.


It has nothing to do with intelligence. Some people get it, and some people don't. There's no shame in admitting you don't get something, and it is in no way a reflection of your intelligence or lack thereof. There are plenty of things people really like that I simply don't get. I accept it and move on. I don't go whining on their imdb page, telling the people who like it to "remove themselves from society" like an impotent child. You're as bad as the people you're bitching about.


It has nothing to do with intelligence. Some people get it, and some people don't. There's no shame in admitting you don't get something, and it is in no way a reflection of your intelligence or lack thereof. There are plenty of things people really like that I simply don't get. I accept it and move on.

Sometimes it's not even a matter of "getting" something or not getting something.

I've seen fans overuse that "you just don't get it line" when it's clearly just a matter of taste.

One way or another, the more insecure fans have to feel like they're part of some exclusive club that "gets it." A little like the clique that maybe they didn't get to be part of in high school... or something.

Andy Kaufman fans try to pull the exact same thing and it's just annoying.
Personally I'd like to see a showdown between AK fans and T&E fans - ones that like one and not the other. We'll have a heck of a lot of people "not getting it" going down at that party.



You are confusing "not getting it" with "not understanding it". If you don't find something funny because you don't understand it, it can be explained to you. If you don't find something funny because you don't get it, you understand it fine, but don't find it funny. As a fan of T&E I can totally understand anyone not getting it. They are weird and their humor is definitely not for everyone. I don't think anyone who doesn't like them is intellectually void, and I don't think those who like them are intellectually superior. It's's subjective. You find it funny or you don't.


Very well put.
You know, I have tried to get a lot of my friends to like Tim and Eric, and you know what, most of them don't! But a lot of them got into it as they saw how much I laughed at it overtime and eventually caught on and eventually loved it!

Also it took me like an entire season to actually start to enjoy it, I thought I was watching garbage, then I realized it was garbage with some recently thrown in pizza inside!

I have to admit I was obsessed with Tim and Eric for a while, they just cracked me the F up, I mean, I can't deny what my heart wants, and it fell in love with the beaver boys.

ALSO, you know it sucks when you like something so much and you have nobody to share it with, I think that is where the hardcore fans get kind of upset, humor is something you want to SHARE with your closest friends and family! So yeah, some might get kind of bitter about it, people tell me, "I don't get it", and I tell them, "it's ok, you don't have to, I enjoy it". And they respect me, but I don't try and SHOVE it in their face and make them feel stupid, if they feel stupid, that's on them, I didn't do a dam thing, most of the time they try to make me feel stupid or crazy, which is fine, I am who I am, and I laugh at what I want to laugh at, MURICAAAA!!!!!!!


I think, trymyproduct, that you mean "most people don't" get it. Good absurdist humor is Monty Python and the Mighty Boosh. Tim and Eric's comedy seems to be the kind of thing that would be funny to a group of middle schoolers who think randomness automatically equals humor. Honestly, I've only ever seen/heard snide hipsters say that they "get" this show, so more power to them. I suppose a few hundred viewers is better than none at all.

I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve / I have a history of losing my shirt


I'm not sure you should be the judge of what is or isn't intelligent considering you use "your" instead of "you're"

it's not the absurdism that's intelligent. it's the satire. a decent amount of people don't pick up on the subtle gestures & tones they use which mock the way people communicate in every day situations, and sort of exposes the ridiculousness & phoniness of how we interact. it's not that this type of thing hasn't been done before, but they do it in such poignant & accurate way that allows those who are in on the joke to get it, & those who aren't to completely overlook the fact that they're even joking. the way they've satirized various hollywood cliches (jim & derek, the SNL episode, etc.) once again perfectly conveys the glibness of television personalities.

and anyway, i'm not sure if people are necessarily more intelligent for enjoying it, but those who do are certainly more aesthetically open minded. to me the way they juxtapose drastically different fidelity levels for different skits, the close up face shots & tumultuous editing style, as well as the vibrant colours & animations that randomly pop up at times, all contribute to this very post-modern, innovative & hip amalgamation of different aesthetics, which is also a large part of its appeal, and which some people might think is disjointed or unprofessional.

really they've developed a whole new style of comedy. sure you can trace influences, but nothing (that's been popular at least) like what these guys do has been done before.



Well said. Much of what you say rings true and reinforces the reasons why I think that I like T&E.

The drastically different fidelity levels produce a dream like feel. I expect that I enjoy T&E for the same reasons I enjoy reflecting on crazy dreams. Dreams may represent some latent issue with which we are dealing, and if you've ever had a dream that was both funny and relevant to you, you might find that same effect in T&E. I'm not trying to judge whether or not Tim and Eric inteded this, but it could just be a result of being open minded.

For instance, in the movie where they're having their staff meeting and the first course of action is to deal with an evil wolf roaming freely, THAT is exactly the sort of thing that might pop up in a dream, and to set it in this professional, dry work environment is hilarious to me. Can you imagine someone going to work and their job for the next hour is to edit a video presentation dealing with a vicious wolf loose in a mall? This is why I agree that it's a new form of satire. I think it just appeals to your brain differently than that belonging to the slow progression of established mediums. Don't get me wrong! Some brilliant stuff comes out of those mediums, but I appreciate T&E being different.

T&E is sort of rebellious to me.



Troll got trolled..



I've been reading threads on the show and the movie to try and grasp why people like this (1. run-on) and all that I keep hearing is that its (2. apostrophe) "absurd humor" and that is in someway intelligent and you are intelligent if you like it. But from those arguments I've found nothing to support that. Its (3. apostrophe) like people who love watching bad movies and and (4. double 'and') think that they are great. This is something that is so horrible that its (5. apostrophe) somehow good. Unfortunately, I do not feel this way. There is no intelligent humor, ideas (6. plural when you used "is"), plot or sense at all to this show. And fans will tell me "that's the point". Well you're not a genius because you enjoy chaotic idiocy, your (7. you're) brain dead. Maybe you like the chaos because your (8. you're) tired of the order of other shows or even the order of society. (etc.)

I'm sorry you feel stupid for not liking Tim & Eric. That's rather unfortunate. However, may I suggest that the next time you try telling people they're not smarter than you, you do so without averaging 8 errors per paragraph.

I know you're one of those "run away and never look back" posters... I just thought a little extra humiliation would do you well, should you ever visit this thread again.


No reason for him to feel humiliated, he makes some very good points.

And once again, a fan has no arguement for their viewpoint. Once again, the point is only to insult somebody for an opposing view. (The ol' Grammar Police always seem to show up in these situations too.)

*Yawn* Back to Adult Swim boards for a while. They have interesting things to say and points to make.


who are you on the ADSM boards? just curious.
