Rate the movies out of 10

Resident Evil- 8.0/10- A really fun zombie horror flick, never gets hold.
Resident Evil Apocalypse- 6.5/10- Had some cool parts to it but could've been better
Resident Evil Extinction- 8.0/10- A really awesome apocalypse flick with awesome zombie fighting scenes, cool movie.
Resident Evil Afterlife- 5.5/10- Not a good movie, it used too much slo mo and throwing stuff at the screen and just wasn't very interesting.
Resident Evil Retribution- 7.0/10- A fun movie overall but falls flat in the 2nd half and really doesn't progress the story that much, at all.

Looking forward to Resident Evil 6 next fall, I hope it's a satisfying conclusion.

IN IMAX 3D 5.16.14


Resident Evil- 7/10
Resident Evil Apocalypse- 6/10
Resident Evil Extinction- 6.5/10
Resident Evil Afterlife- 5/10
Resident Evil Retribution- 2/10


Resident Evil - 7/10. Fun zombie movie, Alice at her "best" so to speak. Good atmosphere
Resident Evil: Apocalypse - 7.5/10. Also really fun. Setting is cool. Jill & Carlos are awesome
Resident Evil: Extinction - 6/10. Fun, but Alice is at her most Mary Sue-ish. Ugh. And it kills Carlos thanks to LJ being an idiot, UGH. Claire is great though
Resident Evil: Afterlife - 8/10. Chris and Claire are allowed to do things. Alice doesn't run the ENTIRE show
Resident Evil: Retribution - 2/10. All action. No plot. Gets old fast

Death Awaits (Horror forum)



Resident Evil - 9/10
Apocalypse - 8/10
Extinction - 6/10
Afterlife - 7/10
Retribution - 8/10

Resident Evil - The best from the series. Thriller with horror elements. A lot of mysteries. Explanations at the end and perfect ending in doomed city.

Apocalypse - Most closer to the games. Acton mixed with horror elements. Some revelations. Stupid ending.

Extinction - Disconnected from ending of Apocalypse. Lack of explanations. Character development and survival themes. Awesome ending.

Afterlife - Mysterious feeling. No explanations. Super ending. A lot elements from Resident Evil 5.

Retribution - Pretty fun and fast movie with twists and revelations on the way.

Best Horror - Resident Evil
Best Action - Retribution
Best Characters - Extinction
Best Story - Retribution
Best Close-To-Games - Apocalypse
Best Opening - Tokyo (Afterlife)
Best Ending - Resident Evil
Best Fight - Alice vs Jill (Retribution)
Best Music - Afterlife
Best Use-Things-From-Games - Afterlife



First three were my fave, the rest just got out of control, the first two reminded most of the games.


Resident Evil - 7/10 - decent action, probably the scariest in the series.

Resident Evil Apocalypse - 9.5/10 - I don't get why so many ppl hate it. It's the greatest part in the series. Best action scenes!

Resident Evil Extinction - 8.5/10 - m 2nd fave - differs from other RE films

Resident Evil Afterlife - 6/10

Resident Evil Retribution - 4/10


Resident Evil - 6/10 - Has its moments but its rather boring.

Resident Evil Apocalypse - 4/10 -

Resident Evil Extinction - 5/10 - Let's make silly MAd Max with zombies.

Resident Evil Afterlife - 2/10 Utter crap that is a joke with script.

Resident Evil Retribution 3/10 maybe 4/10 Five movies and they still can't do horror.
