Women super heroines

While it's great to see highly sexy, ultra-beautiful young women playing spandex-clad, butt-kicking super heroines on movie screens, ask yourself, "How many ladies in real life really want to do something like that full time, having to kick butt but getting yours kicked big time, all the time"? The answer, just about no one. I have yet to encounter any one, tall, athletic, intelligent, ambitious young woman who really wants to be a fighter. Being a fighter means experiencing a lot of pain yourself when your opponent or opponents start beating up on you. And if they start using weapons, that's a whole another ball game.


My fiancee would. I know many woman who would, amd not including women in law enforcement and the military.



same reasoning could be applied to men. no one wants to be a superhero.

I guess if you were planing to become a superhero, you wouldn't expects to be beaten, and if you were in situation like superheroes in movies are, you wouldn't have much choice, be beaten or die, be beaten or let everyone die. what is few cuts and bruises compared to saving the world?

The real thing is if hero were to save the world, and civilization was restored, we'd all know the name and celebrate the hero, as long as he's a guy. but if a hero was a women, then her achievements would go down in history, as feat of humanity, not a single individual.

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming


Have you never heard of women's boxing, MMA, Ronda Rousey (just for example), etc...

Sig, you want a sig, here's a SIG-sauer!


what makes you tink alice WANTS to do any of this. pretty sure she would rather sit at home relaxing all day. further more why dont you ask her stunt doubles? who continuously risk there very lives injuring themselves just for a pretend action flick.


Well, there are women who subscribe to army and become carer soldiers, so at least some women certainly like that kind of life. They arent as populous as men, of course, but they do exist.

The spirit of abysmal despair
