MovieChat Forums > Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) Discussion > Why does Milla keep doing these?

Why does Milla keep doing these?

Did she sign a contract she can't get out of? This series started out with a lot of promise. I didn't think anything could be worse than 4, but I came very close to turning this one off. Like someone said in another thread, this isn't so much a movie as just cut scenes from a video game. You definitely couldn't say that about the first film, and despite some absurd action sequences, the second film either. Part four had its moments, but at no point during this film did I look forward to anything but the ending. I can only HOPE that part 6 is the finale; this story has run its course, even if they plan to continue making video games.


Well, cuz it's easy money at the end of the day. She doesn't have to attend any Casting, she doesn't have to study lines so hard like in other movies, she knows who Alice is and loves to do the stunt-double scenes... the hardwork. Besides the crew remains the same with every new installment. It's sort of a nice crew for what I've heard. I guess it's difficult for anyone to find crews like that... She must feel very comfortable working with them. :)


Maybe she likes doing them.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


LOL! Ow you're SO mean DJ. Why? What happened to you? :3

Cheers buddy!



Exactly, Milla easily beats Sigourney and the others. Oh holy Krishna, These blind people nowadays, damn it!


Because of money and because it's fun I'd say!


if you got paid millions to make action movies would you did it? i would.


Nevermind the fact that the director of 3 of the 5 movies out (all but part 2 and 3) as well as the announced part 6) is her husband....but that could not have anything to do with it....oh wait.


Because of money and because it's fun I'd say!

I hope she's having a better time making these movies than I am watching them. Each one is worse than the last... I watched this and Afterlife out of sheer boredom, but we're quickly approaching Ultraviolet bad and I just can't do it anymore.


I actually liked this movie more than afterlife , totally hated that one ! I feel Retribution was more fun


Its not like people are lining up at her door to put her in other movies....


People may not be lining up, so to speak, but she definitely HAS other offers and options. I think the main reason that she's still in the films is that she loves them.

Resident Evil for Milla is like coming home. She loves Alice, and she loves making the films. Why wouldn't she continue until the end?


I guess it probably don't feel that bad when you make it, especially when the director is actually at her mercy LOL


isnt her husband the director?



Yeah they are, but even then, if your husband/wife was a hack director, would you star in 6 or however many of his/her films? I think I might be a horrible spouse because I wouldn't.


I don't get it. I've accepted long ago that the movies are not Oscar-material. It's in the very nature of them. I'm sure both Milla and Anderson and everyone else aren't even aiming for good reviews. They know they have a solid fan-base that think Milla and the other girls and boys rocks in these movies. They are what they are. RE4 was better than this one, I admit, but still I was entertained like with the rest. The franchise needs at least one more movie, and I hope of course that they put their back into it.
