The absolut worst series ever

From the start back in 2002 til the end that will be in 2017, the worst series ever to come to the big screen.

Any intelligent fool would have started this from the start, with Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine in the very first RE in the Manson.

then Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield meeting in the aftermath of Raccoon city and surviving the whole ordeal.

Alice does not even exist in the game. The only one i like was the second one because Nemesis was really cool but a part from that this series as gone from very worst to unwatchable.

Milla Jojovish simply is boring and full of cliche as the main character that simply makes you roll your eyes every time she is on screen.

Leon Kennedy Ada Wong get introduce in the fifth installment of this crap movie, when they are front row characters in the games.

I really wish they burn theses awful movies and start fresh to really do something good.

Remove this from the hands of Paul S Anderson who screws up everything he touches mainly Aliens vs Predator 1 with the awful predator suit and the PG13 rating. Damn you




To me? Nope, it almost happened to a stunt lady.

Paul W S Anderson & Milla fanboy.



That's why there is the word “almost”.

Learn to read.



😀bye bye.😁



First film was good. Gold? No; but you're right the series sucked as time went on whatever film it was that gave Alice powers was gay!


Paul W S Anderson gave her powers. Is he gay?


UnderworldRocks... Oh dear your i.d say's it all.

"In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"


Oh dear your i.d say's it all

Say's... Oh dear your grammar says it all.


I used to defend the franchise because I thought that at the end they will tie up everything, Oh man, I was wrong. It's the worst movie franchise after Terminator.

Alice will never be as Iconic as Ellen Ripley.
Jill could have been, but Milla must be jealous of her and Sienna.


Yeah...full blown retarded.

Ultimate RE film cast -
Xbox360 GT - xDIRTYDALEx



^Says don't waste time discussing something you don't like and yet is too stupid to understand that's exactly what he is doing by coming to these Resident Evil boards.

Ultimate RE film cast -
Xbox360 GT - xDIRTYDALEx


I agree, OP. I finally sat down and watched this series, and now I see why I never watched the series. This last one was the worst yet. Cheesy beyond cheesy.


I love SF even when it turns into fantasy (that's to say without any claim of being "believable").
I am also well aware that this is a spin off of a videogame.

Still, I cannot accept a script without a real plot and absolutely illogic.
One for all: what's the logic in Umbrella corp business (and experiments) if all the human race is now extinct?

Walking Dead series is way better.


There's obviously a reason that it's not just like the games, capcom wouldn't allow them to make THEIR game into a movie and why would they? It's really not that hard to figure that out


Between the 4th and the last one i think 80% of the scenes were shoot with a fu***ng green screen behind, i hate that.


Get used to it. Green screen is here to stay as computer graphics get better and cheaper every year.

The spirit of abysmal despair


This isn't good GCI, though -- it's barely above Syfy quality, IMO. Also, every aspect of filming is cheaper, including cameras (practically free) and practical effects (more FX houses now than ever before), and writing is free -- so budget is no excuse for bad CGI and bad scripts.


Do you know that CGI and VFX are expensive? To create visual effects like Interstellar, The Dark Knight, Inception, The Hobbit, The Martian, Prometheus and etc. use a huge amount of money. Both of the effects' companies have to pass through to each other and use hundreds or thousands of people and the stages are very tedious and complex. That's why they're so expensive, you have to pay all those people and a lot more people into the business, a lot more money they have to cash in and a greater effects can be produced. The composition effect has to look real or at least like this movie, semi-real. All those money are included into the considering budget as you'll see on IMDB or Wikipedia.

As for the script, doesn't need money but to make a good movie, you have to do a lot, and I mean, very lots of research not just on the cyberspace called the Internet now but in meeting with professional people that also need some money.

Conclusion: Limited budget can be made as an excuse for bad CGI.

P.S: Don't you see how much money they used for Avengers and Captain America: Civil War???


I didnt comment on the quality of it, merely that you should get used to everything being CGI nowadays.

A camera that is movie-worth is far from being free (think tens of thousands) and practical effects are expensive and limited by real life phyisics.

Most of the budget go to actor pay nowadays anyway.

The spirit of abysmal despair


I got used to not watching movies.


Twilight and Transformers series are worse.
