MovieChat Forums > The Helpers (2019) Discussion > Saw this last night. V disappointed

Saw this last night. V disappointed

It started off ok. Actually did something a bit original but then just descended into complete garbage. Complete with hideous loud noise on soundtrack when nothing happens just to have a shock effect and then people who manage to get away getting into a car driven by someone who the characters know is so obviously in on what's going on the whole cinema groaned and went "noooooo" and then of course their is the usual "twist" ending that makes no sense whatsover. Such a shame.




the first half had me gripped and excited but it just went downhill as if the writers run out of ideas and ended up cutting the movie short. The victims should of took bitter revenge but no they just wanted to get out of there. These kind of movies have been made in countless amount of times so therefore they become lame.
