Regarding the 3rd Film

Even if you did not like the first two movies, consider this: to many, the Harry Potter movies got better from the third movie onwards to both fans and critics including pretty much all of the films released afterwards. Plus, the movies can only get better right? SOM was viewed by many as an improvement as despite its flaws, it felt way more connected to the world presented in the books as opposed to the first. Men in black II got very low ratings compared to the first and the 3rd got much higher ratings than the 2nd. Madagascar 3 got a MUCH better reception than its predecessors, almost combined kson-titan-curse-into-a-movie#share


I agree? plus I want more non-cartoon movies less Pixar, Dreamworks,ect.(nap movies) cuz that's what I do, while watching those with them. Don't get me wrong I still enjoy watching cartoons with them but there's waaaay More cartoon movies then actual movies, I can watch and enjoy and watching as a family together? I've always loved Greek Mythology and stories of the Gods, and all of Greek Mythology. The Illad and The Odessey were 2 of my favorite in school and I still read them now, I've got both books right on my tablet? but they shouldn't take sooo long between movies, where the actors have aged sooo much between films (unless it's part of the story) we need more movies that parents can enjoy as much as their kids so they can enjoy watching them together.. . We need more movies that families can sit down together and enjoy as a family!!! The Marvel movies are great but its like 4 years between each new part, and the Comic movies are more for the adults/older teens then younger kids...


Yeah good points.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!
