MovieChat Forums > Blancanieves (2012) Discussion > I didn't really understand the ending

I didn't really understand the ending

Could someone please help me to understand what exactly was happening at the end? I very much enjoyed the film, but the end left me bewildered and a bit sad. Could anyone help me out?



Snow White eats from the poisoned apple and falls into a death-like coma - she is carried from the Colosseum. The contract she signed earlier, with the bullfighting promoter, has a clause wherein she will be represented for life. In a coma, and with little more than her fame, she is used as a living prop in the sideshow, where, like the story she's been named after, she sleeps waiting for her prince charming, and kisses are sold. She is looked after by her true prince charming, one of the bullfighting dwarfs.


Thanks. I was hoping I'd missed something, that perhaps her tear meant something and perhaps there was more hope for a happier interpretation.


While the end is bleak, I think the tear might be a sign of hope - maybe someday she will wake up. After all, that's what Snow White does, right?


Thank you. I hope so, too. After all, she did finally get her memories back.

Sincerely appreciate the kindness of your reply.




Are we 100% sure that the tear was coming from Carmen's eye? Or was it left ambiguous whether this was the case or Rafita's tear had fallen on her as he was kissing her? I should rewatch the scene. But yeah, I also took it as a sign of hope: maybe Carmen will awaken one day. A sad, cynical ending, but a great one.


I took it to mean that in real life there are no fairy tale endings. Even though the film is based on a fairy tale, it has no magical elements to it. I think having a happy ending where she wakes up because of true love's kiss would have betrayed what the tone of what had gone before. I mean, c'mon, they killed Pepe!

It was quite clear to me the tear came from her eye, you can see it well up from her eyelashes. Also Rafita did not appear to be emotional or crying; it seemed to he was kissing her quite matter-of-factly like married couples do at the end of the day.


The tear was definitely from Carmen. After Rafita kisses her, he lies down. The camera then focuses on Carmen's face and after a few seconds a tear emerges slowly from her left eye.

A very sad ending indeed.

I give my respect to those who have earned it; to everyone else, I'm civil.
