Steve Ells is a liar

"I started my empire with only $85k, look at me I'm so great". Anyone can lookup the true facts on Wikipedia, he comes from a wealthy family (read safety net) and his dad had to invest $1.5m. Of course he'll never mention that.


No, he did start Chipotle with $85k.

His dad's $1.5m investment wasn't until after there were 3 restaurants operating and was only to grow it further. The 2nd was opened with money made from the 1st and the 3rd was opened with an SBA loan.


We are all just jealous of anyone who can get a loan of such large amonts from our parents.

My parents couldn't or wouldn't lend me 1400 to buy a used car. So yeah Lets speak I'll of Steve.

I apologize for grammatical errors- a side effect of IMDbing on my iPhone.


That can't be true, it's not on Wikipedia.

This is snark, btw. I love how people quote WIkipedia as if it's authoritative. I could edit it right now to say IMDB is run by the North Koreans, then call everyone here a commie because Wikipedia says so.

As a reward for your bravery, you will both find permanent homes on adult contemporary radio.


I'm going to agree with the OP, he had a much easier time starting Chipotle than he lets on (he did come from a wealthy family, plus...who really has even 85k to start a restaurant with?) but more than that he is an almost reflexive liar when it comes to Chipotle.

He mentions it on a near constant basis and usually to negatively compare other contestant's restaurants to it. His big thing is healthy food restaurants? Well then Chipotle should close its doors tomorrow since a single burrito has a 1000 calories. Very few people would be completely full off two Chipotle burritos a day but you'd get your full calorie requirements off those alone.

Plus, Chipotle is a rip off. You pay 10 bucks for a burrito and that's without the usually complimentary chips most Mexican places give you. He makes Chipotle sound like the B all and end all of fast casual dining but it's just a really basic faux-Mexican ****hole with THREE things on the menu (they don't even offer quesadillas, enchiladas, fajitas). If you ate there twice a week, you would have gone through their entire menu in a month.

Add in the fact he's a generally persnickety jack ass and I think you've got reason enough not to like him.


