Correct spelling

Kudos to the bad guys for writing "you're" and not the expected "your" in blood. I was impressed.

No so impressed with the convoluted plan, tho. Why not arrange for masked robbers to break into mansion with guns, shoot mum, dad and certain siblings, ransack and pretend it's a robbery and leave.

It would all be over in 5 minutes and would be believable to police. The brothers would get their inheritance.

But then I guess there'd be no movie to watch.


Pretty much. They even arrived ahead of time and spent days hiding in the house for no reason.

The funny thing is that their plan also kind of hinged on killing the neighbours for no reason just to establish that these are crazed murderers - but they specifically mention the neighbours are usually not there. So just lucky, I guess. Or they waited years to execute their plan, biding their time until the neighbours happened to be around.
