Unwatchable Garbage

Argento made great films when he started out ... He started loosing it with Phenomenon ( watchable but really stupid ) ... Then Opera ( good but not quite up to his usual standard and just didn't know when to stop ) ... Two Evil Eyes ( mnwuhhh ) ... Trauma ( had some good ideas but seemed to be pushed towards making it look like an american tv cop show !!! ... And Asia CANNOT ACT IN A DARIO FILM ) ... Stendahl Syndrome ( Great idea badly executed and Asia was MUCH TOO YOUNG FOR THE PART ) ... Phantom of the Opera ( why bother ... pointless and uninspired ) ... Non Ho Sonno ( Dario's best film in a decade ... ITS ACTUALLY VERY GOOD ) ... Card Player ( TV Rubbish ) ... Do You Like Hitchcock ( Same ) ... Jennifer ( Dario looks at roth and co and thinks repelling the audience is the way to go ) ... Pelts ( mnwuhhhh ) .... Mother of Tears ( a seriously stupid insult to the people who stood by his early films because they could see the vision there even as the critics and censors ripped into him ... Unforgivably stupid film ) ... Giallo ( TV detective drivel ) ... Dracula 3D ( Unwatchable Ugly Visuals ... Looks like it was filmed on a bad hd video camera and who needs another uninspired retread of Dracula anyway ... And the acting !!! ... Absolutely pathetic ... YAWN )


Yup. It is one of the worst films I have ever seen. I was looking forward to this for months.



Why do you feel the need to troll every single post on here by people who utterly despise this film by acting like some brown nosed snob? I was a huge Argento fan, I own practically every single one of his films (up until Mother of Tears), Suspiria is easily one of my all time favourite horror films, I'm a huge Giallo fan and Argento has made some of the very best and is the master of the genre (after Bava), but this was an ATROCITY!

Seriously, you have the mentality of the fanboys on the Nolan and Batman boards.

If this were made by Uwe Boll you'd crap all over it (which it has, ironically, the same amount of crappy and empty charm as Bloodrayne).



Indeed. I love Argento and have since his very early days, let's talk about Four Flies...or Deep Red, but this movie is so bad I cannot even believe it has defenders. It's so *beep* awful it hurts to look at it.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


I thought his Masters of HOrror episode was pretty good. A bright spot in what has been a very disappointing period.


Have you seen what NBC did to Dracula? He can't shapeshift or control the weather and my God is he whiny? It was good to see a more traditional Dracula, even if the film was corny and "retro."

Sure, this film was cheesy, but it was fun. My friends and I have nicknamed this movie Mantis Drac.


I don't think it's unwatchable. Just the kind of movie you would rent on a Saturday afternoon and watch because you don't have any plans. I'm sure I'll have forgotten all about it by next week, but it's good enough to finish at least.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!
