MovieChat Forums > Dracula 3D (2013) Discussion > Your opinion about Luciano Tovoli's cine...

Your opinion about Luciano Tovoli's cinematography and the 3D

I thought that both were fine!
The 3D has a nice depth of field and Luciano Tovoli's cinematography has some nice use of vivid colours, i especially liked the night scenes, the scene inside Dracula's castle and the scenes shot in the forest.

My favourite use of colours and lightning was in the dream scene (also the overhead shots of Mina sleeping in her bedroom), Tania wandering in the woods in the opening scene, the scene in the church, the talking between Mina and Van Helsing sit down in front of each other, the crypt/vault scene also the ending location.

I agree with:

"I actually thought the cinematography was effective in a unique sense. The same man that shot this was the brilliant cinematographer that gave us Suspiria and Tenebre, which are some of the most beautiful films I've ever seen. The technique with this film seemed to be front lighting most of the action, which resulted in extremely white flesh tones in close ups and the backlighting was usually a soft yellow. I honestly thought the cinematography was the best thing about the film because you just don't see many of these techniques used these days, especially when most horror films use that awful sepia or bluish tint (Platinum Dunes films). He casts a lot of things in shadow and uses lots of blues and yellows to bathe the set while his actors are mostly front lit. The scene where Mina wakes up in Dracula's castle after fainting from the wolf attack was gorgeous, in my opinion. That golden hue! Stunning. But then again, I watched this on a set that has been properly calibrated. I imagine if you saw this with your TV in Dynamic or Vivid mode, it would look really off."


Haven't seen it in 3D but as regards cinematography...well, it's well lit but seriously lacking when it comes to the stylish camera moves we want from an Argento movie.

Blu-ray collection:


There is not much movement, but some excellent angles, compositions and framing. The use of color is beautiful. I like the look of this film very much.



I found the colors - and rough sets - a bit disappointing.
