MovieChat Forums > Dracula 3D (2013) Discussion > official trailer.... Abysmal

official trailer.... Abysmal ionale-pe/12065/



It seems to have a Hammer Horror feel to it.


Oh, I can't wait for this! It looks cheesy but deliciously so. I love that he takes full wolf form. I miss vampires doing that. And the "He's evil! Eeeevil!" is just priceless!


this trailer SUCKS

ehy H2 haters, look this


This is so clearly terrible I find it truly confusing how anyone can look forward to watching a 5 million dollar turd. Argento has been a hack for quite some time now, but this is worse than a student film production.

His last good film was on the 80's!


Looking forward for next disappointment


So you've seen the film, not just the trailer, right? That why you speak with such authority about the film - you've seen it. And I don't understand what 5 million dollars has to do with anything? Are you saying that if it cost more than 5 million dollars it wouldn't be a turd?


Yeah, it doesn't look like a good movie by any stretch of the imagination. It could be cheesy fun, though.


As a diehard Argento fan, I keep waiting for him to have his Ran. Scorsese finally did with The Departed after a decade of forgettable films. Why, oh why can't Dario pull it together, grab some 70 mm film and make one more great flick, 'cause this ain't it. The new trailer looks like something from Masterpiece Theatre. I watched and re-watched hoping to see some glimmer of something to look forward too, and I find nothing. Today I am sad.


This is probably the most unprofessional trailer I've ever seen.

The color correction is simply horrendous (electric green, electric purple? Electric Yellow? Really?).

The editing is awful (the low point is the girl vampire's death).

The SOUND effects are inconsistent (metal blade sound for the fingernails???? The owl's fluttering wings while he's not moving them? slapstik sound when Asia throws Van Helsing across the wall???)

The low-resolution lettering and graphics seem to be made with Microsoft Paint.

I'm not really talking about the movie itself, but this is the WORST way to present a movie to the audience.


The SOUND effects are inconsistent (metal blade sound for the fingernails????

Ha! I was joking about that one last night with friends. I love that his claws extend like a cat's but the sound effect is comical.


Scorsese finally did with The Departed after a decade of forgettable films.

...except The Departed was inferior to the rather excellent The Aviator, Gangs of New York, Bringing Out the Dead, Kundun, Casino and The Age of Innocence.

This forum is afraid of me. I have seen its true face.



I have now seen my hero Argento's Dracula, and unfortunately, it lived up to the quality of the trailer. I am every sad. HIgh school A/V squad quality CGI, community theatre sets that just look rearranged for different scenes, horrible pacing, wooden acting, music from the great Claudio Simonetti thats sounds more suited to an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark or Goosebumps, dreadful video cinematography that looks like overexposed Masterpiece Theatre, awkward scenes the seem to end in the middle, I almost can't believe this from the same man that gave us Deep Red, Suspiria, and Opera. Either he has completely given up as a filmmaker, or this was just some inside joke while he's gearing up for a real film. I hope it is the latter.


I've never seen Kretschmann act that horrible.

Hauer looks like he just wants to get paid.

What clichés? Thats a word the wannabe critics use when they want to whinge.


I believe that's what one of the reviews said. I think this could amusingly turn into the Plan 9 from Outer Space of Dracula films.


It looks really cheesy like most of Argento's films. I've seen Phenomena, which wasn't too bad. This doesn't look like it will be as good. I'll have to check out more of his films on Netflix though.


Wow....that is terrible.

For a director that was as good as Argento.... this is just a shell of that man.

Everything looks so cheesy and bad.


i hate the look of these new 3d film thay just dont look like films at all that goes for the trailer of the hobbit to

but this look like it may be so bad its good i think

you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid


Granted, I'm not expecting a masterpiece from "Dracula", far from it...but I think it's quite premature to judge the film solely by its trailer. I've seen some pretty crappy trailers for amazing movies, with temporary elements in the trailer. It could be a rough cut.


It's tough to make chicken salad from chicken *beep*


I did not saw the movie yet but I just watched the trailer !!

Personnally, it feels very old school, make me think of the '70. The Acting, some cinematography, the color except with modern CGI and not the best one, but shown in a film that looks and feels out of the '70 the effets are fabulous !! ahah

Excited to see it !!
