Worst. 'Movie'. Ever.

I have seen tens of thousands of films in my life and this is the very first that I have ever rated 1/10... I am in such awe at how freaking bad this was... wow.


Cool story.
Can't wait to listen to the book-on-tape.

You're Welcome.


It's bad but it's a fun bad like Plan 9 From Outer Space, not a painful to sit through bad like NBC's Dracula.


Apparently you've never seen, Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood; now that was an awful movie, that i got for free at redbox and returned immediately.


Yeah this was pretty bad, especially the werewolf transformation scene....

Gimbos The Name & Horror Is My Thing!


There is NO werewolf transformation scene. Dracula, in the original novel, and many older films could turn into a wolf. It's only in the last ten years or so that vampires in pop culture have lost the power.

Evil Ed in Fright Night, Dracula in the 1979 Dracula starring Frank Langella, the original Dracula novel, Dracula's guest... Even the original Vampire Diaries books.

Vampires turning into wolves used to be quite common. It's even mentioned in the Bela Lugosi Dracula movie.


I'm talking about the scene with the werewolf, it was very short. I sure saw it in this movie on Netflix. The scene didn't last long though. The cgi was horrible, were talking PS1 video game quality here. It was laughable. Argento should just retire. His recent films just aren't as good as his old ones.

Gimbos The Name & Horror Is My Thing!


There is no werewolf. There is a scene where some ordinary wolves are antagonizing Mina and Dracula, in his own wolf form, makes them back off. They were ordinary wolves.

What the Hell made you think those were werewolves!? Because of Underworld?! Dracula LIKES wolves in traditional fiction and other than the mantis this is traditional. All he did was make the real wolves back off from her.

I have the DVD. Shall I get you a screen grab?

There's also a dream sequence where she sees Dracula in wolf form eating another girl (probably Lucy).

But there is NO werewolf in this movie!


Which of these did you somehow mistake for a werewolf?

The wolf pack:

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t260/JTheGoblinKing/ArgentoWolves1_ zps1fbaa9d8.png

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t260/JTheGoblinKing/ArgentoWolf2_zp sb0fdb555.png

Dracula as a wolf:

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t260/JTheGoblinKing/Argentowolf3_zp s555fc922.png

The dream wolf (Also Dracula):

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t260/JTheGoblinKing/Argentowolf4_zp sa3288a1a.png

It wasn't exactly a complex plot!

How did you miss that it was Dracula? you even see him shift OUT of his wolf form IN the trailer!


Look at the trailer at 1:12-1:14 that's the scene I'm talking about.... you can see the CGI wolf transformation. It's very short. I probably missed half this movie, because it was so boring...just my opinion though here's the trailer.


Gimbos The Name & Horror Is My Thing!


Say it with me...


My God! That is Dracula shifting from literal wolf to man! What is wrong with you!?

Did you... actually watch this movie? ...Ever? Or read the novel Dracula for that matter? ...ever?

He can take the form of a wolf, this isn't something Dario Argento made up, it goes back to the original book when he leapt off the demeter as a "large dog."

There are two scenes where he does it. First when he appears in the dream and then when the wolf pack attacks Mina. He shows up in his own wolf form to drive them away. THAT- WAS- DRACULA! How did you miss that? It was a major element of the plot!

I had already mentioned in my previous post how obvious it is that it's Dracula IN the trailer!

He also does it in the tie-in "Kiss Me Dracula" music video to promote this movie which only features two characters from the film. Dracula and Mina!

I think you're trolling at this point...


By the way, you only see the Dracula as a wolf for a split second in that trailer. That 1:14 mark is the giant dusty-black-cloud-bat that rises after they think he's dead. The black dust-cloud bat roars at the camera just before the credits roll...

That eye at 1:12 is even the main picture on the Italian DVD case, making it even more obvious it's Dracula.

http://wrongsideoftheart.com/wp-content/gallery/posters-d/dracula_3d_p oster_01.jpg

You didn't really see this movie, did you?

Hello troll. I'm an ACTUAL horror fan.


Yes I know it was Dracula, I'm talking about how terrible the CGI was in that scene. I'm not trying to troll this movie, just stating my opinion on that scene. I did watch the movie, but nearly fell asleep. It was just so boring. I prefer Bram Stoker's Dracula aka Dracula (1992). Much better movie and actually fun to watch. Sorry if I pissed you off with my post. I won't be saying anything else. I'm a horror fan too, been one for half my life. Just my opinion on this movie. I'm not dissing Argento either, just not a fan of his recent horror movies. His old ones were much better. I've seen worse Dracula movies though, like Dracula 3000.

Gimbos The Name & Horror Is My Thing!


That's why you spent half the conversation trying to say it was a werewolf?

This film is not good. It's in the realm of Plan 9 From Outer Space. But it's a fun sort of ban.


CountVlad would you stop overreacting over the word "werewolf"?

We all understood he was referring to the horrible CGI Dracula>Wolf transformation so what's your point??

The movie is horrendeus and not even fun to watch. A complete waste of time and money.


Whoa, are you saying Dracula is a werewolf too? Like half vampire half werewolf like in the Underworld movies???

I think Argento ripped off Underworld then, cause there's no way it's canonical that he created werewolves.
