A film that keeps me up at night

"Living in the new world order when it's close to completion, for the average citizen--for people like you and me--is gonna be essentially slavery. We're never gonna be able to get ahead. We're never gonna be able to amass enough wealth to retire or to do what we wanna do in life. We're constantly going to be working for 'the man'. They are creating a two-class system. There is going to be the ruling elite and everyone else. And I've got news for ya: YOU'RE EVERYONE ELSE."

That's the punchline to the joke. It's a really unfunny joke. It... it is a joke, right?

In a way, the above quote might actually be the weakest line out of the whole documentary, especially when it's so simplistic, and really nothing new; conspiracy theorists have been talking for decades about a 'new world order' run by one world state, comprising select few 'elites'. But the multiple cases put forward by the film LEADING UP TO the punchline appear to give the premise an unsettling possibility of legitimacy.

IS there an agenda? Again, this question's not new either, but now it can at least be asked with more seriousness. It is so darn effortless to draw correlations between all the major events that have shaped the economic and political terrain of our globalised world: the inception and popularization of the term 'new world order' since the days of Bush Senior, the establishment of the League of Nations, then the United Nations, America's steady penetration into the Middle East, the 9/11 terror, questionable involvement of the CIA and the FBI in many of the terrorist incidents, the (aritificial?) climate of fear, corporations riding the 'gobal warming' bandwagon, the global financial crisis, the shifty goings on amongst some of the world's wealthiest and most powerful personages, and the seemingly pernicious effect of the media in disabling our senses and numbing our intuitions about all this *beep* that's going on.

Sure, we can all go back to sleep thinking that they're all random, coincidental and isolated events. Indeed, one sees only what one chooses to see. But like I said, the facts are laid out before our very own eyes. Slowly but surely, the media HAS been emphasising the imminent advent of a 'new world order', and we've been subconsciously warming up to the idea, as if it were synonymous with 'world peace'. Sure, when George Bush Snr. was romanticizing about it, 'new world order' seemed like a good thing. But damn, a gobal currency? Arbitrary perpetuation of wars? Microchips implanted into your flesh? Thousands upon thousands of CCTV? Intelligence agencies tapping into our emails? Sounds more Orwellian than peaceful.

I never liked conspiracy theories and I still don't. But at least before, I didn't like them because they sounded completely ludicrous. Now, I don't like them because I don't like their tone. I don't wanna consider the possibility that it could all be true. While I don't agree with EVERYTHING that the writer and the interviewees have said, it doesn't take a genius to notice that the conspiracy theories are beginning to sound 'less forced'. And that's enough to scare the hell out of me.

Which part of the documentary bothered you most, if at all?



I'm literally about to watch the film right now. But before I do, I'd just like to say that I think a NWO where, US (not U.S), but US people (from all around the world, every single human) are all united into one. It is the only way we can advance as a civilization!

If we never unite as ONE, we will end up destroying our own kind. Imagine the technological advances we could achieve, just by working together, imagine the medical advances, imagine all the advances US, as humans could take, if we all worked as one unit!

I believe that the Earth some day, obviously, will become un-useable any more by Humans, and we will need to go forth and search for a new planet to reside on. I'm talking thousands and thousands of years though... But for us to accomplish this, we must ALL unite as ONE!

So now, I go forth to watch this film, and see what I can learn from it.


I dread the thought that humanity will become "ONE". Which one? Who decides, and on what basis, which values, beliefs and practices are core to humanity and which are extraneous?

I think the day that this happens will be the day the human spirit starts to die.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Just watched it, and tbh I wasn't impressed. Rich and powerful people have always networked, colluded, and worked towards acquiring more of what they already have, to the detriment of the majority. This is nothing new, and certainly not a secret.

Only difference between now and 3000 years ago is technology, i.e. globalisation. With the world connected the way it is now, everything has a global reach and impact. It's no conspiracy. It just is.


so people are "colluding" but its not a conspiracy? yeah and that lights blinking but its not flashing. absurdity at its finest!
