MovieChat Forums > Whitney (2011) Discussion > I love this show. don't understand why r...

I love this show. don't understand why reviews are so harsh

it's good. y u angry at it?


Because it's not good. It could have been good but Whitney got jealous and changed the background characters.
It's hated by critics and the real estimated number of people who watch the show is about 30,000.

As we grow we learn, i have learned that if you don't like me grow up or ignore me.


Because it's not good. It could have been good but Whitney got jealous and changed the background characters.

It's hated by critics and the real estimated number of people who watch the show is about 30,000.

That's why I ignored your last ridiculous comment to me. You use lies to tear down this show, because you haven't got a leg to stand on. Frickin' troll.


No moron, Nielsen uses a technique called statistical sampling to rate the shows -- the same technique that pollsters use to predict the outcome of elections. Nielsen creates a "sample audience" and then counts how many in that audience view each program. Nielsen then extrapolates from the sample and estimates the number of viewers in the entire population watching the show. That's a simple way of explaining what is a complicated, extensive process. Nielsen relies mainly on information collected from TV set meters that it installs, and then combines this information with huge databases of the programs that appear on each TV station and cable channel.
Each view with someone with a box is then worth an estimated 10,000.
Programmers also use Nielsen's data to decide which shows to keep and which to cancel. A show that has several million viewers may seem popular to us, but a network may need millions more watching that program to make it a financial success. That's why some shows with a loyal following still get canceled.
It's called research you troll, get your head from within your ar$e and you might learn something.

As we grow we learn, i have learned that if you don't like me grow up or ignore me.


y u angry at it?
That caliber of meme style humor is probably why you think it's a good show, but here goes:

-The writing is terrible
-The acting is poor
-The characters are not well developed
-Why did Mark ditch his job to run a bar?
-Why did they add in a token black guy??
-Lilly adds nothing at this point, not that she did before because Neal was even more useless.
-The whole concept was that Whitney and Alex were in a long term relationship, yet they got married at the end of season 1.

It's just a poorly executed show.


They never got married they got tattoos dummy. They feel they are married in their heart and don't need a piece of paper to prove it.

token black guy? racist much.. tone is a funny actor and fits right into the group.

Everybody on the show has a chance to shine, it is centered around Whitney & Alex since the beginning.


It shouldn't be, thats what was wrong with the show. Seinfeld had episodes centered around George, Elane and Kramer. This horrible show is centered around two people who cannot act nor carry a show.
When your background characters are better than the main ones you know you have issues.

As we grow we learn, i have learned that if you don't like me grow up or ignore me.


racist much.. tone is a funny actor and fits right into the group.
Clearly you have no idea what racism is, but keep sitting on that high horse of yours.

I never once said Tone wasn't funny, yet they threw him into the show with no real reason other than for a few wisecracks here and there.

And whether they did or didn't get married officially is irrelevant. The point of the show was that they weren't even supposed to consider that. The tagline is "Always a trophy, never a wife". Go look for yourself, it's right here on IMDb.

That requires some effort on your part though, which I doubt you can accomplish.


She is no trophy, i would join a monastery if she was all that was left.

As we grow we learn, i have learned that if you don't like me grow up or ignore me.


People hate it so much because it was perceived as a threat to their beloved Community.


It is no threat though, Community will be renewed because it has better ratings than Whitney, so that statement is wrong.

As we grow we learn, i have learned that if you don't like me grow up or ignore me.


For a time, though, it was perceived that way.


I know many were upset with Whitney coming back first but at this point it's all but confirmed that Parks and Community are the only two comedies coming back.

As we grow we learn, i have learned that if you don't like me grow up or ignore me.


not angry. At first I found the show amusing. I only knew Whitney by her one stand up special on CC and I found her to be HOT the first few episodes but then it quickly grew old.

Whitney, the show, focuses way way too much on relationships, more specifically, her relationship with her boyfriend. It somehow always connects to what's going on in the plot, even when the plot is not really geared toward her relationship, somehow the show finds a way.

For example, in one episode, we find out she suffers from a leaky heart...and somehow...being with her man has made her leaky heart not so leaky? lame.

Anyways, my friend is a BIG Whitney fan and when she did the whole, "I have a half sister that I haven't mention until now in the 2nd season wants a sex change"...she called it quits.

When ur own diehard fan quits on your show, u know it's going to get canceled.
