MovieChat Forums > Agneepath (2012) Discussion > Amount of violence shown

Amount of violence shown

i dont know why there is such a hue and cry about the violence and gore shown in Agneepath remake. What else do people expect from a gangster movie.. sci-fi or comedy? I think we Indians are very faint-hearted movie viewers who accept movies with a sprinkling of humour or romance and only love happy endings.
I wonder what would happen if they watch a torture porn or any japanese/korean film. most probably they would throw up!!


Buddy couldn't agree with you more. But I haven't seen Agnipath yet, so will hold the comment for later. In the mean time, well said!

"The only morality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased, unprejudiced, FAIR!"


What you call "Torture porn" is an ugly and vile Western (mostly American, but not only) invention/creation. It's a BLESSING that Indians are original and "not going with the flow" enough to shun this ugly and inhuman and utterly selfish western theme-- which is the 'torture porn'...
That said, AGNEEPATH is violent only to the point it "needs" to be for the story being told. It is NOT excessively violent. In fact, the movie is very emotional-- and since anger, righteous anger and rage are also emotions--- these, are showcased as well, within boundaries and not excessively.
AGNEEPATH 2012 is an amazing-amazing movie.
I'm going to see it again, as I'm sure are many people and fans, ALL INDIAN.


Your "all Indian" comment is pretty ignorant because there are many people like me who enjoy films from Bollywood, or anywhere else in the world for that matter. I'm a thirty year old white male.

And actually, look up films in Japan like the Human Guinea Pig series, those were all done well before the Saw and other "torture porn" films the US churned out in the 2000's and they're, in my opinion, more intense than anything Saw ever did. Not saying the US doesn't have it's fair share of films in the genre, we do, but we really didn't start the trend or create the genre.

But all in all, I absolutely loved Agneepath and felt it was one of the most intense revenge films I'd ever seen. Highly recommended!


I never said Indians should start making Torture porn movies. They would get banned anyways here. And would be a huge flop even if released. I just dont get why it is acceptable for people to watch real violent happenings in news channels but they show disgust at stuff shown in films.


I'm not Indian, and I thought it was very good. The beginning was better than the end (which, while satisfyingly melodramatic did not fit with the tone of the rest of the film.) Rishi was excellent as was the boy, and the editing of the wedding sequence, indeed the whole sequence, was superb.


Well said, edmondoster. The small-minded mentality of seeking approval from the west and blind following of their pop-culture annoys me to no end. If Americans found ultraviolence unacceptable - but if it was all the rage in India - these same clowns would be telling Indians that their films are tastelessly violent.

The Hindi film industry is amazing the way it is. Unashamed of high-quality melodrama, following it's own format of story-telling with songs and an intermission - and the ability to make relatively low-budget films look very, very expensive. A commercial Hollywood film made on the budget of Agneepath would probably have bad acting, bad lighting, poor ADR/sound mixing, etc. Agneepath, on the other hand, is meticulously crafted.

Agneepath has the appropriate level of violence befitting the film and its audience. It's not trying to be a Hollywood film in any way - nor is it trying to win over Hollywood-consuming audiences. There's really little reason to compare it as such.


Can you please equate the violence in this movie to a contemporary western film? I want to work out if it will suit my girlfriend, who is not particularly ok with violence. She saw movies like X-men and struggles with Wolverine stabbing people left right and centre, which I shrug off.

If you could let me know what kind of Hollywood film this movie is equivalent to I'd appreciate it.



you can watch this movie with your girlfriend without any bother as the violence shown in Agneepath is not much graphic compared to most hollywood movies. There are a lot of shoot-outs shown and just a scene or two of stabbing. It is violent compared to Bollywood standards, not Hollywood, so you can say it would be PG-14 in US.


Yeah, SplitP, I agree with Sameer on his assessment.
You can, in all probability, watch "Agneepath" with your girlfriend,
however, I'm not sure she'll not cringe at viewing some scenes still.
Think of it this way;
"Sholay" (1975) is by far more violent a movie than "Agneepath", when you come to think of it. In "Sholay" people have hands cut off, countless people are brutally butchered without mercy, entire families murdered by decoits and the villian eventually and literally stepped on with shoes with nails in them...
But, here's the thing:
The violence in "Sholay" is stylized and doesn't show, for example, blood sprouting out of wounds and injuries-- one can also say that the violence in "Sholay" is 'cartoonish'... and the camera moves away rather than show the more 'real-life' consequences of violence.
Not that in "Agneepath" you see too much to the contrary. But, still, in "Agneepath" the violence shown is more 'realistic', within boundaries of a Bollywood flick still.
When Vijay (Hritik) slashes a criminal, blood is seen coming off the wound-- when he shoots a criminal you "see" the trajectory of the bullets and it's effects, in some surprising detail, in Bollywood standards.
Same happens towards the end, with Hritik/Sanju final confrontation. You see the effects of violence on the physical body of the person on whom it's afflicted in more detail, in comparison to what has been shown previously in Hindi films.
Say, talking about 'cartoonish violence'...
Wouldn't it be better if you took your friend to a Salman Khan flick?
Salman in his films hits 40 guys around him, does acrobatic fighting which would put Superman and Batman to shame, all the while "chippandale" showcasing his nipples (which always has female audiences happy)-- and never gets hurt or scratched doing any of that.
I think no problems/dillemas or issues would arise if you took your friend to a Salman Khan flick... LoL. :-)
Greetings and Blessings.


There are stabbings, but they aren't realistic, though there is a lot of blood. Three of my friends hated it and found it gratuitous. I was fine (I'm a girl.) Though I think it was some of the subject matter they most objected to, for example human trafficking in a film with dance numbers.


There's lots of blood, but it's a very light red. :)


What violence i did not see anything violent in this. its a 15 rated movie

