MovieChat Forums > Tanked (2011) Discussion > The little kid sleeping under the fish t...

The little kid sleeping under the fish tank ... uhmmm ...

OK, little boy with cancer wants a cool tank for the living room where he'll be sleeping/stationed while recovering from some upcoming serious surgeries. So the fish tank guys make him a fish tank that his bed sits under and the kid can lay down and look at the fish above. Great Idea but .... really?!? 1,000 gallons of water above this little kid's head? .... Really???

I'm sure the tank is reinforced and will not fall on its own but what about a catastrophe? ... They are in NYC, hell anything could happen there. Earthquake, bombing, sh*t - a truck could run into the building shifting it off slightly and knock this tank from its stand. I would have preferred a tank along side the bed where the boy could look over and see it .... There is absolutely no need to have a child sleep under a tank. He'll be lucky to survive cancer only to be killed by a 500lb fish tank crashing on his skull .... Why take that kinda chance?

*tigers love pepper, they hate cinnamon*


Yes, everyone should live in the middle of an empty bomb shelter, just in case.

Fact: 87.3% of IMDB users belong to the secret society of cynics.


Exactly ! ....

*tigers love pepper, they hate cinnamon*



shame on you, so if your kid had cancer you would not do what he asked? this is what make a wish is all about, making a kid happy helped them recover.

Is this a serious post?



Fishtanks don't cure cancer. I know he's sick, but don't just write him off by letting him sleep under a thousand pound fishtank. You wouldn't do that for a well child. Make a Wish involves granting something that isn't dangerous for the kid. What if he wanted to be shot out of a cannon?

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


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You do realize that shooting someone out of a cannon is just a springboard inside a tube, tossing you into a net right?

It's about as dangerous as a trampoline (as in: not very)

The loud "boom" is just special effects and has nothing to do with the trick mechanics.

You are being overly protective and not very aware of the world.


Fishtanks don't cure cancer. I know he's sick, but don't just write him off by letting him sleep under a thousand pound fishtank. You wouldn't do that for a well child. Make a Wish involves granting something that isn't dangerous for the kid. What if he wanted to be shot out of a cannon?



You do know that several of the tanks they have built have since busted at the seams, don't you? If there was a chance my child might get crushed or drowned I wouldn't allow it. If your kid was dying of cancer and wanted to eat ice cream for every meal would you allow that? What idiotic logic!


Hadn't realized that myself. I was too distracted that some morons named their kid Chili.


It's like death eatin' a cracker.


Chili had a heart problem that required multiple surgeries, not cancer.


He was too busy raging about a kid sleeping under a fish tank to worry about trivial details like that.


I don't consider it a trivial detail, but then my niece's baby had heart surgery at six months. Thankfully he's now a perfectly healthy 14 year old.


My point was that all he wants is to be outraged by something and the details don't matter.


properly built it's no more dangerous than having a roof over your head. The only way that thing is coming down is if the building is hit with enough force to collapse the outer structure, in which case you have the rest of the building to worry about falling on you, the tank is nothing compared to that.
