So quit!

All I ever hear is bitch bitch bitch about how bad the public school system is.
So quit. Teach private school. Or get another job.
Yes, private schools almost never pay as well as public schools pay. Are you in it for the money? Or are you in it because you want to see that light come on in a child's eyes when they finally get it?
If you're in it for the money then you're an idiot.
But if you actually want o help kids learn then what the hell are you doing in public school?
Everyone who participates in a crappy broken system actually perpetuates the problem.
Take your kids out of public school and home school. And quit teaching public school. Before it's too late.
The government learned a long time ago that stupid people are easier to manipulate. They've been trying ever since to make our children as stupid as possible. Why are you helping them do that?

Soylent Green is people!
