Easter eggs

Every "day" she spends is marked by a hidden reference to the corresponding verse of the song. DAENT?


I have seen this movie at least once a year since it came out but didn't catch on to this until viewing it tonight. It was very cleverly incorporated and executed!


Can you explain? I missed it


Just watched this tonight and I only recall 3 of them. Day 5 when Kate meets Jack at the jewelry store there is a display that says five golden rings. Day 10 when Michael jumps over the the boxes in the alley his sweatshirt says 10 on the back with the name lords... 10 lords a leaping. 11 there is a sign on a taxi that says something about 11 pipers pizzas. Those are all the ones I caught though


Also, the tv each night before the day rewinds shows the patridge in the pear tree jewelry.


Now I have to watch it again. Bah Humbug!! Well spotted by the way.
