Simon Bird

I thaught the first episode of Friday Night Dinner was quite entertaining, not that great, but also not that bad. But then i realised why many people were complaining about it. Mainly because many fans of The Inbetweeners (also starring Simon Bird), compared The Inbetweeners to Friday Night Dinner, which in my view is wrong. Due to the fact just because Simon Bird is in it, don't immediately assume this programme is going to be a duplicate of The Inbetweeners, which it certainly is not. Just because this programme isn't as rude and crude as The Inbetweeners was, doesn't mean this programme is going to be bad. I assume they aimed for a slightly younger audience with Friday Night Dinner, since most of the humour is not as sexual. I personally like The Inbetweeners better, because it was fresh, but i think Simon Bird is just being used a little here. But don't judge a book by its cover everyone.


I thought it wasn't going to be that good, but the first episode was surprisingly funny and charming.
