Series two, episode one

Well, that was enormously funny. I could not stop laughing, yet simultaneously wishing I could give Simon Bird a hug. The brothers were a bit over-the-top this week, but I put that down to the unresolved love triangle of series one -- they don't seem the type to sit down and have a rational discussion about their little entanglement.

The Metro critic was saying he thought this episode lacked the subtlety of the first series. I can't argue with that. However, if it's going to be this funny all the time, I think I can live with the lack of emotional depth or realism.


Season 2, Episode 1 didn't even remotely resemble the quality of Season 1 in any way. It was all slapstick, ridiculous low-grade humour that stamped on the grave of the witty, intelligent masterpiece that was the first season.

The mother was given next to nothing to say, she had no story this week (her antics were usually the main focus of the first season), the father was just there for cheap laughs with his sneezing which was completely over the top, the boys just fought like children and the whole episode felt like a spoof. The boys also over acted their way through the episode, and Jim was given far too much to say, his funny "front door scenes" were ruined, and he was invited into the house, a huge no no for the series.

I love the first season, it's my favourite show of recent times, I have re-watched it more times than any one can count. I am so disappointed with Season 2 so far. Sorry, Robert Popper, but please improve, don't let my favourite show die. :(


Very well put jonny 842, what a load of cringeworthy rubbish. Wouldn't quite agree that the first series was a masterpiece but was still very watchable and funny, didn't think the 2nd series could reach such heights, just hope it improves.


I agree with Jonny, apart from I didn't hold the first series in such high esteem - however, whatever subtlety there was in S1 was completely obliterated in this childish slapstick farce. It was like one of those series that they ruin by getting all new writers in who have no idea of what made it great in the first place (*cough, Dr Who, cough*). It was just one long fight from start to finish - and the fighting was my least favourite aspect of S1. Must do better, but if they're starting with this, I can't see a sudden gear change.

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