umm is it just me

or was that episode extremely bad?

previous episodes, whilst not being great were still good enough to keep me watching.

maybe i just didnt get this one


No i also thought it was kinda boring, except for the paint incident hahaha.


It took Mark Heap's character into cartoon character territory which is a shame - he seemed a bit out of place within the reality of the rest of the show up until that point.

I wouldn't call it bad, though.

Art is a lie that tells the truth.


Huh... I thought it was one of the funniest episodes I've seen of the show. I think it's because Mark Heap got more screen-time and the awkward situations that arose from it. Plus, they established just how twisted his character is; that's a plus for me.

"Anyone who agrees to rub their breasts live on television is obviously inexcusably disturbed."
