Gaga Reminds Me of Igor...

All hunched over and deranged. She's sporting some crazy eyes. Like she's a seer or a medicine (wo)man. I must know more.

Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.


She looks like some sort of shaman. Which would make the breathing forest make a lot more sense.

We thought we lost you. Welcome back.


But why would the medicine woman/shaman make the earth breathe? Strictly to frighten Shelby? I wonder what or who's power she's pulling from. The swaying trees actually looked more beautiful than scary. I was memorized by them. Just stunning.

Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.


I think she's doing something to the trees. The red roots beneath the white tree on the "My Roanoke Nightmare" title card have to mean something.

We thought we lost you. Welcome back.


Shamans harness nature so yeah, this makes sense to me.


The red roots beneath the white tree on the "My Roanoke Nightmare" title card have to mean something.

Yes, it must. Maybe there's some evil entity she's pulling from, or it has to do with there location, and the earth's telluric current. “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth”. Just fun to speculate.

Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.


Good call and Good catch.


Or she could just be this season's Pepper.

I wanna see more of her and her crazy azz antler/skull tiara!


Well she was the one who scalped that one colonist, so she's either Kathy Bates' lackey or she's got some sort of real power.

We thought we lost you. Welcome back.


You don't think Pepper could scalp a person?

Just kidding. I think she's a witch doctor or something, too. I'm really curious about the character, tbh.


Gaga said she was down-to-earth so maybe there's more than meets the eye. Unless she literally means down in the earth.


Gaga said she was down-to-earth

This is as close as it gets to a confirmation that she is in fact a shaman of some sort.

We thought we lost you. Welcome back.


She's awesome whole cast is too


Maybe she's been literally uprooted. A shapeshifter of some sort. She acted like Kathy's character's sidekick, and Kathy spoke as if she, herself, was Mother Earth. Pagans speak to Gods, invoke them. Not chant as if they are them.

Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.


Don't forget the little girl turned into a gigantic tree 

We thought we lost you. Welcome back.


Don't forget the little girl turned into a gigantic tree

You're still obsessed with that ain't ya? 

Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.
